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Jesus Escandon
Dec 8, 2017
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Custom Initialization for your created Plugins/Modules - EPiServer CMS | create Plug-ins using MVC

I'm by no means an expert and because of this I'm trying to share the new things I have learn using EpIServer, reason why I try to be as explicit as I can for all the new deveopers like me, good luck. #sharingiscaring :) 

By the way this example is thanks to my Episerver Guru, that her name I will not share but if at any point in time she read this post, thanks you Rock!!!

In EPiServer [7.5 +] it's need it to register the route of your custom plugin/module, here you can find a CustomInitialization code that will initialize all your custom plugins (works for just one or many), in my proyect I place this class in the modules folder located in my project root directory.

Image Custom INitialization.png

 In this project I have a custom plugin in the folder ImportProduct, is important that your plugin class controller is properly decorated using the [GuiPlugIn()], and with this class you will register any custom plugin/module you have created in EPiServer.

I create this class like this: Right click on folder modules ->  Add new Item -> select create a new Initialization Module with HTTP events from Episerver.

Image Custom INitialization.png

And name it: CustomInitialization.cs

Now we have a class teamplate to work with, the fist thing to do is remove the class decoration or you can comment this using the // at the begining of each line:


As what we want to do is not to create an Initializable module, we want to create our custom Map Route for any of our Plugins/modules.

Then this is the inside logic:

using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;

namespace YourProjectName.Site.modules
public class CustomInitialization : IInitializableModule
        private string _pluginName { get; set; }

        public CustomInitialization(string pluginname)
            _pluginName = pluginname;

        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
                "modules/" + _pluginName,
                new { controller = _pluginName, action = "Index" });

        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
            //Add uninitialization logic

Now in you pluing/module folder create a Initialization folder and add a new class using the Initialization Module Type and  name it CustomRouteInitialization.cs

Image Custom INitialization.png

Image Custom INitialization3.png

This is the logic inside this class, in this case we want to have the [InitializableModule] decoration as this is what tell EPiServer that this is a initializable module.

using EPiServer.Framework;

namespace YourProjectName.Site.modules.ImportProduct.Initialization
    public class CustomRouteInitialization : CustomInitialization
        public CustomRouteInitialization() : base("importproduct")


Thats all you need.

So this logic will create the MapRoute of any pluing/module that is decorated with the [InitializableModule], IMPORTANT!!! notice in our CustomRouteInitialization is where we use our CustomInitialization class and pass it our plugin name: "importproduct" so the route can be register, this step you will need to do it inside any plugin/module you create.

As I want to avoid any missing parts, inside the folder ImportProduct is my custom module, I have a class of type controller named: ImportProductController.cs and it is decorated with the [GuiPlugIn()] and looks like this:

using System.Web.Mvc;
using EPiServer.PlugIn;

namespace YourProjectName.Site.modules.ImportProduct
        Area = PlugInArea.AdminMenu,
        Url= "/modules/importproduct",
        LanguagePath= "/Plugin/ImportProduct")]
    public class ImportProductController : Controller
        public string Index()
            /* Implementation of action. You can create your own view model class that you pass to the view or
             * you can pass the page type for simpler templates */

            return "Hello World! one step closer :)";

This "Plug-in" will be display in the admin section of EPiServer (was the resquest) so if you follow this post you should be able to see your "super cool plug-in" like this (and sorry for my poor paint skills):

Image Custom INitialization4.png

Hope you will find this usefull and that I use the right terminology, good luck!!!

Dec 08, 2017


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