The Dojo Toolkit recently announced their ambitious roadmap towards a 2.0 release at . The project is leveraging TypeScript to improve developer productivity, and is creating a collection of core packages to provide a solid foundation for web application development. Learn about the roadmap and discuss how you can get involved.
Intern, the popular open source JavaScript testing stack, provides a number of nice improvements with its version 3 release. This talk will give an overview of Intern, highlight some of the improvements with Intern, and also talk through patterns for creating code that is easier to test.
Dylan Schiemann is CEO of SitePen and co-founder of the Dojo Toolkit, an open source JavaScript toolkit for rapidly building web sites and applications. A passionate and tireless expert in the technologies and opportunities of the Open Web, Dylan is a contributing author to the O'Reilly book "Even Faster Web Sites", has provided editorial review for countless other Dojo and JavaScript books, and has shared his knowledge at more than 100 industry conferences across the globe. Under his guidance, SitePen has become the definitive resource for any organization with the goal of building and maintaining innovative, mission critical web applications. Dylan's commitment to the Open Web has made SitePen a major contributor to and creator of many of the most pioneering open source web develop
ment toolkits and frameworks today, including Dojo, Intern, and Mayhem. Dylan earned his Masters in Physical Chemistry from UCLA and his B.A. in Mathematics from Whittier College.