SaaS CMS has officially launched! Learn more now.

John Håkansson
Apr 28, 2020
(11 votes)

Develop on DXP like it’s 2020

Do you belong to the growing list of customers and partners using our Deployment API? If yes, congrats! We’ve some exclusive and very awaited news for you. If no, now you’ve got another reason. Get your hands on some API-first features in Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform. 

When we released the API as beta back in November 2019, we made it possible for you to integrate Epi with your CI/CD pipeline, and we enabled an efficient new way to deploy using code packages. We’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response and usage of the API since then. And we’ve been fortunate to barely spend any time on bugs, so we decided to raise the bar and add some new features for the General Availability release.  

Today every third deployment on Episerver DXP is via our API. On average a customer project using the API is 3x as active than the average customer, which means faster innovation and a more friction free developer experience. 

We’ve seen the API making a difference during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Some emergency projects with society impacting websites went live in record time, using the API extensively. Thanks Coop Norway and the other new customers, we’re humbled of your trust in the platform and its capabilities. 

So “what’s the fuzz about” you probably wonder by now. What’s the news? By using the API you can not only deploy directly up to any environment, now you can also sync-down content from the production environment to any other environment. And you can get a copy of the production database without the need to raise support tickets. What goes up, can now also go down! Check out some of the capabilities in more detail in this related blog post by Anders.

This General Availability release of the Deployment API opens a new chapter for deployment tools at Episerver DXP. Next we’ll be harmonising functionality in the self-service portal and the API, and enable even more functionality like Smooth Deployments and rich telemetry and some CDN-related stuff. Learn more about our beta-programs etc in Product & Service Lifecycle section. 

Let us know in the comments field below what other capabilities you would like to see next. 

Stay safe!

Apr 28, 2020


Daniel Ovaska
Daniel Ovaska Apr 30, 2020 07:51 AM

Nice feature! That will help a lot!

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