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Magnus Baneryd
May 22, 2018
(8 votes)

TinyMCE Configuration API news

We recently added some new exciting features to the TinyMCE configuration API based on feedback from the the forums.

Inherit settings from an ancestor

We heard that you would like to be able to configure settings on a base class and then override them further down in the hierarchy, so you do not have to duplicate the code for setting the setting on all leaf classes. E.g.


abstract class ProductBase
    public virtual XHtml ProductDescription {get;set;}

class ProductPage : ProductBase

class ShoeProductPage : ProductPage

class ShirtProductPage : ProductPage

class BlueShirtProductPage : ShirtProductPage

class VerySpecialProductPage : ProductPage

class AndEvenMoreSpecialProductPage : VerySpecialProductPage

// Init
context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
    var baseSettings = config.Default().Clone();

    config.For<ProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
    config.For<ShoeProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
    config.For<ShirtProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
    config.For<BlueShirtProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
    config.For<VerySpecialProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
    config.For<AndEvenMoreSpecialProductPage>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);


// Init
context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
     // Enable inheritance of settings
    config.InheritSettingsFromAncestor= true;

    var baseSettings = config.Default().Clone();

    config.For<ProductBase>(t=>t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);
This new behavior is something that you need to enable, by setting InheritSettingsFromAncestor to true. We could not change the new behavior without doing a breaking change, so we decided to hide it behind the InheritSettingsFromAncestor flag instead.
You can read more about the API in the SDK - (Inherit settings from ancestors)

Setting transformations

The setting transformation features makes it possible for you to add a callback method that will run when we load the settings for a specific content item. And it enables you do modify the setting object before we return it to the client.
context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
    // If you are writing a plugin we recommend you to add the transformation when you add the plugin.
        .AddExternalPlugin("custom-plugin","/path/to/my/plugin.js", (settings, content, propertyName) => {
            settings["custom-plugin-setting"] = "plugin value";
        .AddSettingsTransform("custom-settings", (settings, content propertyName) => {
            settings["custom-plugin-setting"] = "I have modified the plugins settings value";
You can read more about the API in the SDK - Settings transformations

We hope these changes makes it easier for you to configure TinyMCE, and if you have any more feedback on the API, please let us know.

May 22, 2018


Peter Emilsson
Peter Emilsson May 23, 2018 11:11 AM

Setting transformations look very useful!

How do I configure TinyMce for a property on a model/class in PropertyList?

Aria Zanganeh
Aria Zanganeh May 23, 2018 01:45 PM

this is really helpful :) as I'm pretty sure we will make many configs we will end up the big mess .. if there is any visualization tool that describes what config is used where would be great .. 

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