Configure your own Search & Navigation timeouts
The main blog Configure your own Search & Navigation timeouts was posted for years but you need copy the code to your application.
We now bring those code to FIND 16.3.0 and you just need to call SetTimeout(/*timeout in milliseconds*/) method fo make your request works. Both Search and MultiSearch request will work with SetTimeout from FIND 16.3.0.
var searchResults = SearchClient.Instance.Search<IContent>().For("alloy").SetTimeout(10000).GetContentResult();
var multiSearchResults = SearchClient.Instance..MultiSearch<IContent>()
.Search<IContent>(x => x.For("test1").InField(f => f.Name))
.Search<IContent>(x => x.For("test2").InField(f => f.Name))
Please contact us if you have any question or feedback.
Just to clarify, the point here is that you can set custom timeout per query using the ".SetTimeout(12345)", but still the appsettings.json Find options are also used, so there is one plave were you can set the default timeout, right?
Like so:
Can't find link to the Search and Navigation full configuration, but anyone can look at the source of FindOptions class to see all properties that can be set here.
Yes you're right, DefaultRequestTimeout is a default timeout value for all requests (default is 100 seconds if not config). But from version FIND 16.3.0 you can override that value for the search request by using SetTimeout() to avoid waiting too long if network or server is in a unstable state.