Commerce Manager Customer Contact Edit screen–making system field read-only/Not-Required.
If you have a requirement to make one of the system fields read-only or “Not Required” for customer contact object in the admin->commerce manager –>contact->Edit screen here is how you can achieve it. It is rare requirement but does come along..
Navigate to Commerce Manager->Administration->System Settings->Business Foundation:
Select the “Contact” object->click. You will see the list of all system fields and meta fields under contact object listed here. On the top there are few tabs.
Select “Forms” tab. Click the edit icon in the right most for “Edit Form”. It will open a popup with list of all fields.
Select the field you want (single click on the field) and then hit “Edit” icon the header for the list. Another pop up opens with details of the display option for the selected field.
Here select the checkbox “Field is Read Only”. And then click “Save”.
This will not make the selected field read only and non-required in the edit screen.