Working Around IQueryableNotificationUsers when using external claims based CMS users
We have implemented as per the guide here claims based authentication hooking up with an AzureAD instance.
As part of this the standard user flow is that when a user logs in the following code is called
This creates a record in the [tblSynchedUser] table which allows parts of the CMS to select these users, however as myself and another developer has found the user selection was not working with parts of episerver such as Project Comments and Workflow when trying to selected a user.
After digging around using DotPeek it turns out that there's an IQueryableNotificationUsers interface which is used by some of the rest stores when trying to query users, this interface is implemtned by 2 classes.
- DefaultSynchronizedUsersRepository
- AspNetIdentitySecurityEntityProvider
And after running my solution and getting an instance of IQueryableNotificationUsers it was returning back the AspNetIdentitySecurityEntityProvider which seems like a bug.
I could not find any documentation on how to set this from a config source and sadly DefaultSynchronizedUsersRepository happens to be an internal interface so this left me with one solution which has worked.
I have copied the code for this in to a class of my own
/// <summary>
/// Copy of internal DefaultSynchronizedUsersRepository to get around user selection issues
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="IQueryableNotificationUsers" />
/// <seealso cref="IQueryablePreference" />
/// <seealso cref="ISynchronizedUsersRepository" />
public class CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository: IQueryableNotificationUsers, IQueryablePreference, ISynchronizedUsersRepository
private static ILogger _log = LogManager.GetLogger();
private const string CacheKey = "GetRolesForUser_";
private readonly ServiceAccessor<SynchronizeUsersDB> _syncronizeUsersDB;
private readonly TaskExecutor _taskExecutor;
private readonly IDatabaseMode _databaseModeService;
private readonly ISynchronizedObjectInstanceCache _cache;
private readonly ClaimTypeOptions _claimTypeOptions;
private static IList<string> _synchronizedClaims;
public CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository(ServiceAccessor<SynchronizeUsersDB> windowsProviderDb, TaskExecutor taskExecutor, IDatabaseMode databaseModeService, ISynchronizedObjectInstanceCache cache, ClaimTypeOptions claimTypeOptions)
this._syncronizeUsersDB = windowsProviderDb;
this._taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
this._databaseModeService = databaseModeService;
this._cache = cache;
this._claimTypeOptions = claimTypeOptions ?? new ClaimTypeOptions();
CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository._synchronizedClaims = (IList<string>)new string[3]
public virtual Task SynchronizeAsync(string username, string roleClaimType, IEnumerable<Claim> claimsToSync)
return this._taskExecutor.Start((Action)(() => this.SynchronizeUserAndClaims(username, roleClaimType, claimsToSync)));
public virtual void Synchronize(string userName, string roleClaimType, IEnumerable<Claim> claimsToSync)
this.SynchronizeUserAndClaims(userName, roleClaimType, claimsToSync);
public virtual void ClearRoles(string userName)
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SynchronizeRoles(userName, Enumerable.Empty<string>());
public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetRolesForUser(string userName)
EPiServer.Framework.Validator.ThrowIfNull(nameof(userName), (object)userName);
string key = "GetRolesForUser_" + userName;
string[] array = this._cache.Get(key) as string[];
if (array == null)
array = this._syncronizeUsersDB().ListRolesForUser(userName).ToArray<string>();
CacheEvictionPolicy evictionPolicy = new CacheEvictionPolicy(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), CacheTimeoutType.Absolute);
this._cache.Insert(key, (object)array, evictionPolicy);
return (IEnumerable<string>)array;
public virtual IEnumerable<string> FindUsersInRole(string roleName, string partOfUsername)
return this._syncronizeUsersDB().FindUsersInRole(roleName, partOfUsername);
public virtual IEnumerable<string> FindUsers(string partOfName)
return this._syncronizeUsersDB().FindUsersByName(partOfName);
public virtual IEnumerable<string> FindRoles(string partOfName)
return this._syncronizeUsersDB().FindMatchingRoles(partOfName);
public virtual IEnumerable<SynchronizedRoleStatus> ListRoleStatus()
return this._syncronizeUsersDB().ListRoleStatus();
public virtual void HideRole(string role)
EPiServer.Framework.Validator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(role), role);
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SetVisibilityForRole(false, role);
public virtual void ShowRole(string role)
EPiServer.Framework.Validator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(role), role);
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SetVisibilityForRole(true, role);
public IEnumerable<string> DefaultSynchronizedClaims
return (IEnumerable<string>)CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository._synchronizedClaims;
private void ClearUserCache(string userName)
this._cache.Remove("GetRolesForUser_" + userName);
private List<string> GetRolesFromClaims(string roleClaimType, IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
return claims.Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c => c.Type.Equals(roleClaimType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Value))).Select<Claim, string>((Func<Claim, string>)(c => c.Value)).Distinct<string>((IEqualityComparer<string>)StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList<string>();
private static NameValueCollection GetAdditionalClaims(IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (Claim claim in claims.Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c =>
if (!CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository._synchronizedClaims.Contains<string>(c.Type, (IEqualityComparer<string>)StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Value);
return false;
nameValueCollection.Add(claim.Type, claim.Value);
return nameValueCollection;
internal string GetEmailFromClaims(IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
return claims.Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c => c.Type.Equals(this._claimTypeOptions.Email, StringComparison.Ordinal))).Select<Claim, string>((Func<Claim, string>)(c => c.Value)).FirstOrDefault<string>();
internal string GetGivenNameFromClaims(IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
return claims.Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c => c.Type.Equals(this._claimTypeOptions.GivenName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).Select<Claim, string>((Func<Claim, string>)(c => c.Value)).FirstOrDefault<string>();
internal string GetSurnameFromClaims(IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
return claims.Where<Claim>((Func<Claim, bool>)(c => c.Type.Equals(this._claimTypeOptions.Surname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).Select<Claim, string>((Func<Claim, string>)(c => c.Value)).FirstOrDefault<string>();
Task<PagedNotificationUserResult> IQueryableNotificationUsers.FindAsync(string partOfUser, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
return this._syncronizeUsersDB().FindUsersAsync(partOfUser, pageIndex, pageSize);
internal virtual void SynchronizeUserAndClaims(string userName, string roleClaimType, IEnumerable<Claim> claims)
EPiServer.Framework.Validator.ThrowIfNull(nameof(userName), (object)userName);
this.RequiredReadWriteDatabaseMode((Action)(() =>
string emailFromClaims = this.GetEmailFromClaims(claims);
string givenNameFromClaims = this.GetGivenNameFromClaims(claims);
string surnameFromClaims = this.GetSurnameFromClaims(claims);
NameValueCollection additionalClaims = CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository.GetAdditionalClaims(claims);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenNameFromClaims) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(surnameFromClaims) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailFromClaims) || additionalClaims.Count > 0))
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SynchronizeUser(userName, givenNameFromClaims, surnameFromClaims, emailFromClaims, additionalClaims);
else if (!this._syncronizeUsersDB().FindUsersByName(userName).Any<string>((Func<string, bool>)(u => string.Equals(userName, u, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SynchronizeUser(userName, (string)null, (string)null, (string)null, (NameValueCollection)null);
this._syncronizeUsersDB().SynchronizeRoles(userName, (IEnumerable<string>)this.GetRolesFromClaims(roleClaimType, claims));
private void RequiredReadWriteDatabaseMode(Action action)
if (this._databaseModeService.DatabaseMode == DatabaseMode.ReadWrite)
ILogger log = CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository._log;
string messageFormat = "The action '{0}' has not been called becuase the database is in the ReadOnly mode.";
object[] objArray = new object[1];
int index = 0;
string str;
if (action == null)
str = (string)null;
MethodInfo method = action.Method;
str = (object)method != null ? method.Name : (string)null;
objArray[index] = (object)str;
log.Debug(messageFormat, objArray);
int IQueryablePreference.SortOrder
return 20;
string IQueryablePreference.GetPreference(string userName, string preferenceName)
string str = (string)null;
NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = this._syncronizeUsersDB().LoadMetadata(userName);
if (nameValueCollection != null)
str = nameValueCollection.GetValues(preferenceName)?[0];
return str;
And have registered this class using the standard dependencie framework
container.Services.AddTransient<IQueryableNotificationUsers, CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository>();
container.Services.AddTransient<IQueryablePreference, CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository>();
container.Services.AddTransient<ISynchronizedUsersRepository, CustomSynchronizedUsersRepository>();
Until this issue is fixed or I find a way to set this in configuration I will continue to use this, but I'll pop it as a bug and ideally hopefully they will make this class public so be can control this in our DI code.
I'm hitting a similar issue where notifications aren't been emailed. The above sounds like it lines up with the same problem as we're also using AAD B2C (Azure Active Directory). However, when I tried this code I got this exception on start up:
I know it's been a few years since this post - is there something that I need to change to make this code work? Keen to see if it resolves our issue.
Okay, ignore my other comment (I tried to delete it) as it was just me making a mistake with the code I copied - I caused a circular dependency by putting a new dependency in that used the notification services :)
Thanks for this post Scott - this seems to have resolved it for us also on a project using AAD B2C. I hope others find this if they have this - and I hope Episerver resolve this bug as it seems to happen for ours on Episerver CMS 11.20.6
Alright, so from discussions with Epi support on this the fix that avoids this work around is to simply remove the package "EPiServer.CMS.UI.AspNetIdentity". After doing so the problem has gone away completely for me. So if you don't need this package I recommend removing it.
For cases that you need mixed OpenId/ADFS and the built-in ASP.NET Identity and can't get rid of "EPiServer.CMS.UI.AspNetIdentity".
You might want to try adding these overrides after ConfigurationComplete.
The EPiServer.CMS.UI.AspNetIdentity, as I found out, has initialization code that forces the use of AspnetSecurityIdentityProvider :-|