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Interface IPageDataBuilder

Defines the signature for a component that add properties to a PageData instance.

Namespace: EPiServer.Construction
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 7.19.2
public interface IPageDataBuilder : IContentDataBuilder

The typical usage is to call AddProperties which will add both metadata and pagetype properties and depending on BuildingContext set values for properties. For use case where more control is needed the other methods can be used to build up the page.


AddMetaDataProperties(PageReference, PageData, PageType, ContentReference, Boolean)

Adds the meta data properties.

void AddMetaDataProperties(PageReference pageLink, PageData page, PageType pageType, ContentReference parentLink, bool setPropertyValues)
Type Name Description
PageReference pageLink

The page link.

PageData page

The page.

PageType pageType

Type of the page.

ContentReference parentLink

The parent link.

System.Boolean setPropertyValues

if set to true values will be set on the added meta data properties.

AddPageTypeProperties(PageData, PageType)

Inserts properties defined for the given page type into page data.

void AddPageTypeProperties(PageData page, PageType pageType)
Type Name Description
PageData page

The PageData object to update

PageType pageType

The type of the page.

SetInheritedPageData(PageData, IContent, PageType)

Sets the values of properties that inherits data from the parent page.

void SetInheritedPageData(PageData page, IContent parentData, PageType pageType)
Type Name Description
PageData page

The page data.

IContent parentData

The parent data.

PageType pageType

Type of the page.

Extension Methods