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Enum LanguageSelectionSource

Indicates what source the LanguageSelector used to select the language of a Page.

Namespace: EPiServer.Core
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 7.19.2
public enum LanguageSelectionSource


Name Description

Indicates that there was no published version of the requested language and that the LanguageSelector was able to find a configured fallback language.


Indicates that the Master language was selected either becase that no specific language was requested to the LanguageSelector or that the requested language or any language in the fallback chain was published.


Indicates that the LanguageSelector was unable to make a language selection.


Indicates that there was a replacement language specified for the requested language and that this language was selected.


Indicates that there was a replacement language specified for the requested language but that no published version of the replacement language was found and that the LanguageSelector instead was able to find a fallback language configured for the replacement language.


Indicates that the language that was passed in to the LanguageSelector also was the one that was selected.


Indicates that the LanguageSelector has not tried to select any language for the page yet.

Extension Methods