Interface ITemplateModelComparer

Defines the signature for a component used to determine which of two TemplateModel instances that is "closest" to modelType. This is used in TemplateModelRepository to determine the order in which TemplateModel instances are sorted.

Namespace: EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 9.12.2
[Obsolete("Deprecated and replaced by use of standard IComparer<>")]
public interface ITemplateModelComparer


Compare(TemplateModel, TemplateModel, Type)

Compares two TemplateModel instances to determine their sort order for modelType. The implementation should follow: Return less than zero: x is "closer" to modelType than y. That is inserted before y in list. Return zero: x is equally close to modelType that y. In this case x gets after y in list. Return greater than zero: y is "closer" to modelType than x. That is x is inserted after y in list.

int Compare(TemplateModel newModel, TemplateModel currentModel, Type modelType)
Type Name Description
TemplateModel newModel

The x.

TemplateModel currentModel

The y.

System.Type modelType

Type of the model.

Type Description

Extension Methods