Enum AttributeToken
The various HTML attributes that are directly supported by the parser.
Namespace: EPiServer.HtmlParsing
Assembly: EPiServer.Framework.dll
Version: 7.19.2Syntax
public enum AttributeToken
Name | Description |
Abbr | |
Accept | |
Accept_Charset | |
Accesskey | |
Action | |
Align | |
Alink | |
Alt | |
Archive | |
Axis | |
Background | |
Bgcolor | |
Border | |
Cellpadding | |
Cellspacing | |
Char | |
Charoff | |
Charset | |
Checked | |
Cite | |
Class | |
Classid | |
Clear | |
Code | |
CodeBase | |
Color | |
Cols | |
Colspan | |
Compact | |
Content | |
Coords | |
Data | |
Datetime | |
Declare | |
Defer | |
Dir | |
Disabled | |
Enctype | |
Face | |
For | |
Frame | |
Frameborders | |
Headers | |
Height | |
Hidden | |
Href | |
Hreflang | |
Hspace | |
Http_Equiv | |
Id | |
Ismap | |
Label | |
Lang | |
Language | |
Link | |
Longdesc | |
Marginheight | |
Marginwidth | |
Maxlength | |
MaxValueToken | |
Media | |
Method | |
Multiple | |
Name | |
Nohref | |
Noresize | |
Noshade | |
Nowrap | |
Object | |
Onblur | |
Onchange | |
Onclick | |
Ondblclick | |
Onfocus | |
Onkeydown | |
Onkeypress | |
Onkeyup | |
Onload | |
Onmousedown | |
Onmousemove | |
Onmouseout | |
Onmouseover | |
Onmouseup | |
Onreset | |
Onselect | |
Onsubmit | |
Onunload | |
Pallette | |
Pluginspage | |
Pluginurl | |
Poster | |
Profile | |
Prompt | |
Readonly | |
Rel | |
Rev | |
Rows | |
Rowspan | |
Rules | |
Scheme | |
Scope | |
Scrolling | |
Selected | |
Shape | |
Size | |
Span | |
Src | |
Standby | |
Start | |
Style | |
Summary | |
Tabindex | |
Target | |
Text | |
Title | |
Type | |
Units | |
Unknown | |
Usemap | |
Valign | |
Value | |
Valuetype | |
Version | |
Vlink | |
Volume | |
Vspace | |
Width |