With Opticon around the corner, we'll be canceling this month's (Sept) Happy Hour.

Interface ILineItemCalculator

Calculates the extended price for a ILineItem.

Namespace: EPiServer.Commerce.Order
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 13.30.0
public interface ILineItemCalculator
    /// <summary>
/// Sample implementation of <see cref="ILineItemCalculator"/>.
/// </summary>
public class LineItemCalculatorSample : ILineItemCalculator
/// <summary>
/// The tax calculator needed for calculating sales tax of an <see cref="ILineItem"/>.
/// </summary>
private readonly ITaxCalculator _taxCalculator;

public LineItemCalculatorSample(ITaxCalculator taxCalculator)
_taxCalculator = taxCalculator;

public Money GetExtendedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
//The extended price of a line item is the price that includes all discounts applied on the line item, including entry level and order level discounts.
//Of course you might have different calculation here.
var rawExtendedPrice = lineItem.PlacedPrice * lineItem.Quantity - lineItem.GetDiscountTotal(currency).Amount;

// If the total discount amount is greater than the line item price, it means that with the discounts, customers don't need to pay for the item.
// It also means that the extended price of the line item is zero.
return new Money(Math.Max(0, rawExtendedPrice), currency);

public Money GetDiscountedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
//The discounted price of a line item is the price that includes all entry level discounts applied on the line item. That does not take order level discounts into account.
//Of course you might have different calculation here.
var rawDiscountedPrice = lineItem.PlacedPrice * lineItem.Quantity - lineItem.GetEntryDiscount();

// If the discount amount is greater than the line item price, it means that with the discount, customers don't need to pay for the item.
// It also means that the discounted price of the line item is zero.
return new Money(Math.Max(0, rawDiscountedPrice), currency);

/// <summary>
/// Gets the extended and the discounted prices of an <see cref="ILineItem"/>.
/// These prices are wrapped in a <see cref="LineItemPrices"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lineItem">The given line item.</param>
/// <param name="currency">The currency.</param>
public LineItemPrices GetLineItemPrices(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
var extendedPrice = GetExtendedPrice(lineItem, currency);
var discountedPrice = GetDiscountedPrice(lineItem, currency);

return new LineItemPrices(extendedPrice, discountedPrice);

public Money GetSalesTax(ILineItem lineItem, IMarket market, Currency currency, IOrderAddress shippingAddress)
return _taxCalculator.GetSalesTax(lineItem, market, shippingAddress, GetExtendedPrice(lineItem, currency));

public Money GetSalesTax(IEnumerable<ILineItem> lineitems, IMarket market, Currency currency,
IOrderAddress shippingAddress)
return _taxCalculator.GetSalesTax(lineitems, market, shippingAddress, currency);


GetDiscountedPrice(ILineItem, Currency)

Gets the discounted price of an ILineItem.

Money GetDiscountedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
ILineItem lineItem

The line item.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The discounted price of the line item.

        public void GetDiscountedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency, ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator)
var discountedPrice = lineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice(lineItem, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Discounted price for '{0}': {1}", lineItem.Code, discountedPrice);

GetExtendedPrice(ILineItem, Currency)

Gets the extended price of an ILineItem.

Money GetExtendedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
ILineItem lineItem

The line item.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The rounded extended price of the line item.

        public void GetExtendedPrice(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency, ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator)
var extendedPrice = lineItemCalculator.GetExtendedPrice(lineItem, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Extended price for '{0}': {1}", lineItem.Code, extendedPrice);

GetLineItemPrices(ILineItem, Currency)

Gets the extended and discounted prices of an ILineItem.

LineItemPrices GetLineItemPrices(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
ILineItem lineItem

The line item.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The prices for the line item.

        public void GetLineItemPrices(ILineItem lineItem, Currency currency, ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator)
var lineItemdPrices = lineItemCalculator.GetLineItemPrices(lineItem, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Extended price for '{0}': {1}", lineItem.Code, lineItemdPrices.ExtendedPrice);
Debug.WriteLine("Discounted price for '{0}': {1}", lineItem.Code, lineItemdPrices.DiscountedPrice);

GetSalesTax(ILineItem, IMarket, Currency, IOrderAddress)

Gets the sales tax of an ILineItem.

Money GetSalesTax(ILineItem lineItem, IMarket market, Currency currency, IOrderAddress shippingAddress)
Type Name Description
ILineItem lineItem

The line item.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

IOrderAddress shippingAddress

The shipping address to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The sales tax of the line item.

        public void GetSalesTax(ILineItem lineItem, IMarket market, Currency currency, IOrderAddress shippingAddress, ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator)
var salesTax = lineItemCalculator.GetSalesTax(lineItem, market, currency, shippingAddress);
Debug.WriteLine("Sales tax for '{0}': {1}", lineItem.Code, salesTax);

GetSalesTax(IEnumerable<ILineItem>, IMarket, Currency, IOrderAddress)

Gets the sales tax of a collection of ILineItems.

Money GetSalesTax(IEnumerable<ILineItem> lineItems, IMarket market, Currency currency, IOrderAddress shippingAddress)
Type Name Description
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<ILineItem> lineItems

The line items.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

IOrderAddress shippingAddress

The shipping address to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The sales tax for the line item.

        public void GetSalesTax(IEnumerable<ILineItem> lineItems, IMarket market, Currency currency, IOrderAddress shippingAddress, ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator)
var salesTax = lineItemCalculator.GetSalesTax(lineItems, market, currency, shippingAddress);