With Opticon around the corner, we'll be canceling this month's (Sept) Happy Hour.

Interface IReturnOrderFormCalculator

Calculates totals on an IReturnOrderForm.

Namespace: EPiServer.Commerce.Order
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 13.30.0
public interface IReturnOrderFormCalculator
    /// <summary>
/// Sample implementation of <see cref="IReturnOrderFormCalculator"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ReturnOrderFormCalculatorSample : IReturnOrderFormCalculator
private readonly IShippingCalculator _shippingCalculator;

public ReturnOrderFormCalculatorSample(IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
_shippingCalculator = shippingCalculator;

public Money GetTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var total = GetSubTotal(returnOrderForm, currency) + GetHandlingTotal(returnOrderForm, currency) - GetOrderDiscountTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);

//If the prices in the order where the return order form belongs to already include tax, then it does not need to calculate tax.
if (returnOrderForm.PricesIncludeTax)
    return total;
//otherwise; the prices in the order exclude tax, it should calculate the tax total and include it to the return value.
total += GetReturnTaxTotal(returnOrderForm, market, currency);
return total;

public Money GetSubTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
var result = returnOrderForm.Shipments.Sum(shipment => _shippingCalculator.GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(shipment, currency).Amount);
return new Money(result, currency);

public Money GetHandlingTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
return new Money(returnOrderForm.HandlingTotal, currency);

[Obsolete("This is no longer used. The order discount total should be calculated at IOrderGroup level. See IOrderGroupCalculator.GetOrderDiscountTotal(orderGroup).")]
public Money GetOrderDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
return new Money(0, currency);

public Money GetDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
var result = returnOrderForm.Shipments
        .Sum(shipment => shipment.GetShipmentDiscountPrice(currency).Amount + shipment.LineItems.OfType<IReturnLineItem>()
        .Sum(item => item.GetDiscountTotal(currency).Amount));

return new Money(result, currency);

public Money GetReturnTaxTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
return new Money(returnOrderForm.Shipments.Sum(shipment => _shippingCalculator.GetReturnSalesTax(shipment, market, currency).Amount), currency);

public OrderFormTotals GetReturnOrderFormTotals(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var formHandlingTotal = GetHandlingTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
var formShippingTotal = new Money(0, currency);
var formSubTotal = GetSubTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
var formTaxTotal = GetReturnTaxTotal(returnOrderForm, market, currency);
var formTotal = GetTotal(returnOrderForm, market, currency);
var formDiscountTotal = GetDiscountTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
var shipmentTotalsDictionary = returnOrderForm.Shipments.ToDictionary(shipment => shipment, shipment => _shippingCalculator.GetShippingTotals(shipment, market, currency));

return new OrderFormTotals(formHandlingTotal, formShippingTotal, formSubTotal, formTaxTotal, formTotal, formDiscountTotal, shipmentTotalsDictionary);


GetDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm, Currency)

Gets the total of all discounts applied on an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

Currency currency

The currency.

Type Description

The discount total of the return order form.


There're three types of discount can be applied to an order: order level, shipment level (or shipping discount) and line item level discount.

        public void GetDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var discountTotal = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetDiscountTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Discount total for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, discountTotal);

GetHandlingTotal(IReturnOrderForm, Currency)

Gets the handling total of an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetHandlingTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The handling total for the return order form.

        public void GetHandlingTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var handlingTotal = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetHandlingTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Handling total for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, handlingTotal);

GetOrderDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm, Currency)

Gets the total of all order level discounts applied on IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetOrderDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

Currency currency

The currency.

Type Description

The order level discount total of the return order form.


There're three types of discount can be applied to an order: order level, shipment level (or shipping discount) and line item level discount. This only returns the order level discount.

        public void GetOrderDiscountTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var orderDiscountTotal = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetOrderDiscountTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Order discount total for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, orderDiscountTotal);

GetReturnOrderFormTotals(IReturnOrderForm, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the order form totals for an IReturnOrderForm.

OrderFormTotals GetReturnOrderFormTotals(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency.

Type Description

An order form totals.

GetReturnTaxTotal(IReturnOrderForm, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the tax total of an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetReturnTaxTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The total tax amount of the return order form.

        public void GetReturnTaxTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var returnTaxTotal = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetReturnTaxTotal(returnOrderForm, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Tax total for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, returnTaxTotal);

GetSubTotal(IReturnOrderForm, Currency)

Gets the subtotal of an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetSubTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The subtotal for the return order form.

        public void GetSubTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var subTotal = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetSubTotal(returnOrderForm, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Subtotal for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, subTotal);

GetTotal(IReturnOrderForm, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the total for an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm

The return order form.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The total for the return order form.

        public void GetTotal(IReturnOrderForm returnOrderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency, IReturnOrderFormCalculator returnOrderFormCalculator)
var total = returnOrderFormCalculator.GetTotal(returnOrderForm, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Total for return order form '{0}': {1}", returnOrderForm.OrderFormId, total);