With Opticon around the corner, we'll be canceling this month's (Sept) Happy Hour.

Interface IShippingCalculator

Shipping calculator calculates shipping totals

Namespace: EPiServer.Commerce.Order
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 13.30.0
public interface IShippingCalculator
    /// <summary>
/// Sample implementation of <see cref="IShippingCalculator"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ShippingCalculatorSample : IShippingCalculator
private readonly ILineItemCalculator _lineItemCalculator;
private readonly ServiceCollectionAccessor<IShippingPlugin> _shippingPluginsAccessor;
private readonly IReturnLineItemCalculator _returnLineItemCalculator;
private readonly ITaxCalculator _taxCalculator;

public ShippingCalculatorSample(
ILineItemCalculator lineItemCalculator,
IReturnLineItemCalculator returnLineItemCalculator,
ITaxCalculator taxCalculator,
ServiceCollectionAccessor<IShippingPlugin> shippingPluginsAccessor)
_lineItemCalculator = lineItemCalculator;
_returnLineItemCalculator = returnLineItemCalculator;
_taxCalculator = taxCalculator;
_shippingPluginsAccessor = shippingPluginsAccessor;

[Obsolete("This method is no longer used, use IOrderGroupCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal instead.")]
public Money GetShippingCost(IOrderGroup orderGroup, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var orderGroupCalculator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupCalculator>();
return orderGroupCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal(orderGroup);

[Obsolete("This method is no longer used, use IOrderFormCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal instead.")]
public Money GetShippingCost(IOrderForm orderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var orderFormCalculator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderFormCalculator>();
return orderFormCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal(orderForm, market, currency);

public Money GetShippingCost(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var zeroMoney = new Money(0m, currency);
var allShippingMethods = ShippingManager.GetShippingMethods(string.Empty);
var row = allShippingMethods.ShippingMethod.FindByShippingMethodId(shipment.ShippingMethodId);

if (row == null)
    return zeroMoney;

var type = Type.GetType(row.ShippingOptionRow.ClassName);
var provider = _shippingPluginsAccessor().First(s => s.GetType() == type);

var message = string.Empty;
var rate = provider.GetRate(market, row.ShippingMethodId, shipment, ref message);

if (rate == null)
    throw new Exception(string.Format("There is no rate configured for the shipping method {0}: {1}",
        row.ShippingOptionRow.ClassName, message));

if (!CurrencyFormatter.CanBeConverted(rate.Money, currency))
    throw new InvalidOperationException(
        string.Format("Cannot convert selected shipping's currency({0}) to the target currency({1}).",
            rate.Money.Currency.CurrencyCode, currency.CurrencyCode));

return CurrencyFormatter.ConvertCurrency(rate.Money, currency);

public Money GetDiscountedShippingAmount(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
//It's the shipping cost with all shipping discounts applied on the shipment.
return GetShippingCost(shipment, market, currency) - shipment.GetShipmentDiscountPrice(currency);

public Money GetShippingItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
var itemsTotalAmount = shipment.LineItems
    .Where(x => x.Quantity > 0 && !x.IsGift) // Gift items should not be included in the calculation.
    .Sum(lineItem => _lineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice(lineItem, currency).Amount);

return new Money(itemsTotalAmount, currency);

public Money GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
//NOTE: the shipment must belong to an IReturnOrderForm.
var itemsTotalAmount = shipment.LineItems.OfType<IReturnLineItem>()
    .Where(x => x.ReturnQuantity > 0 && !x.IsGift) // Gift items should be excluded from the calculation.
    .Sum(returnLineItem => _returnLineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice(returnLineItem, currency).Amount);

return new Money(itemsTotalAmount, currency);

public Money GetShipmentDiscountPrice(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
return shipment.GetShipmentDiscountPrice(currency);

public ShippingTotals GetShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var shippingSubtotal = GetShippingItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
var shippingCost = GetShippingCost(shipment, market, currency);
var shippingTax = GetShippingTax(shipment, market, currency);
var lineItemPricesDictionary = shipment.LineItems.ToDictionary(item => item, item => _lineItemCalculator.GetLineItemPrices(item, currency));

return new ShippingTotals(shippingSubtotal, shippingCost, shippingTax, lineItemPricesDictionary);

public Money GetShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var shipmentSubtotal = GetShippingItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
return CalculateShippingTax(shipment, market, currency, shipmentSubtotal,
    (item, curr) => _lineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice(item, curr),
    item => item.Quantity);

public Money GetSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var shippingAddress = shipment.ShippingAddress;
if (shippingAddress == null)
    // The tax rate depends on the shipping address - where line items will be shipped to.
    return new Money(0m, currency);

var salesTaxAmount = shipment.LineItems
    .Where(x => x.Quantity > 0 && !x.IsGift) // Gift items should be excluded from the calculation.
    .Sum(item => _lineItemCalculator.GetSalesTax(item, market, currency, shippingAddress).Amount);

return new Money(salesTaxAmount, currency);

public Money GetReturnShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var shipmentSubtotal = GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
return CalculateShippingTax(shipment, market, currency, shipmentSubtotal,
    (item, curr) => _returnLineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice((IReturnLineItem)item, curr),
    item => item.ReturnQuantity);

public Money GetReturnSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
var shippingAddress = shipment.ShippingAddress;
if (shippingAddress == null)
    // The tax rate depends on the shipping address - where line items will be shipped to.
    return new Money(0m, currency);

var returnSalesTaxAmount = shipment.LineItems.OfType<IReturnLineItem>()
    .Where(x => x.ReturnQuantity > 0 && !x.IsGift) // Gift items should be excluded from the calculation.
    .Sum(returnItem => _returnLineItemCalculator.GetSalesTax(returnItem, market, currency, shippingAddress).Amount);

return new Money(returnSalesTaxAmount, currency);

public ShippingTotals GetReturnShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
var zeroMoney = new Money(0, currency);
var total = GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
var lineItemPrices = shipment.LineItems
    .ToDictionary(item => item, item => _returnLineItemCalculator.GetLineItemPrices((IReturnLineItem)item, currency));

// A return shipment doesn't include any shipping cost and shipping tax.
return new ShippingTotals(total, zeroMoney, zeroMoney, lineItemPrices);

private Money CalculateShippingTax(
IShipment shipment,
IMarket market,
Currency currency,
Money shipmentSubtotal,
Func<ILineItem, Currency, Money> getDiscountedPriceFunction,
Func<ILineItem, decimal> getQuantityFunction)
// The tax rate depends on the shipping address - where line items will be shipped to.
if (shipment.ShippingAddress == null)
    return new Money(0m, currency);

var shippingTax = 0m;
var shippingSubTotal = GetDiscountedShippingAmount(shipment, market, currency).Amount;
var lineItemsQuantity = shipment.LineItems.Sum(lineItem => getQuantityFunction(lineItem));

foreach (var item in shipment.LineItems)
    var quantity = getQuantityFunction(item);
    if (quantity <= 0)

    //The base price used to calculate shipping tax for a line item is the discounted price of the line item distributed on every quantity of the line item.
    var itemDiscountedPrice = getDiscountedPriceFunction(item, currency).Amount;
    var itemShippingSubTotalAmount = shippingSubTotal * (shipmentSubtotal.Amount == 0 ? quantity / lineItemsQuantity : itemDiscountedPrice / shipmentSubtotal.Amount);
    var itemShippingSubTotal = new Money(itemShippingSubTotalAmount, currency);

    shippingTax += _taxCalculator.GetShippingTax(item, market, shipment.ShippingAddress, itemShippingSubTotal).Amount;

return new Money(shippingTax, currency).Round();


GetDiscountedShippingAmount(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping cost with all shipping discounts applied of an IShipment.

Money GetDiscountedShippingAmount(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The discounted subtotal of the shipment.

        public void GetDiscountedShippingAmount(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingDiscountedAmount = shippingCalculator.GetDiscountedShippingAmount(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping discounted amount for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingDiscountedAmount);

GetReturnSalesTax(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the sales tax for an IShipment that contains IReturnLineItem. The shipment must belong to an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetReturnSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The return shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The sales tax amount of the return shipment.

        public void GetReturnSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var returnSalesTax = shippingCalculator.GetReturnSalesTax(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Sales tax for return shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, returnSalesTax);

GetReturnShippingTax(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping tax for an IShipment that contains IReturnLineItem. The shipment must belong to an IReturnOrderForm.

Money GetReturnShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The return shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The shipping tax amount of the return shipment.

        public void GetReturnShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var returnShippingTax = shippingCalculator.GetReturnShippingTax(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping tax for return shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, returnShippingTax);

GetReturnShippingTotals(IShipment, Currency)

Gets the shipping totals of a return IShipment.

ShippingTotals GetReturnShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

A shipping totals that excludes value of shipping cost and shipping tax.

        public void GetReturnShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingTotals = shippingCalculator.GetReturnShippingTotals(shipment, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Subtotal for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingTotals.ItemsTotal);

GetSalesTax(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the sales tax of an IShipment.

Money GetSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The sales tax amount of the shipment.

        public void GetSalesTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var salesTax = shippingCalculator.GetSalesTax(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Sales tax for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, salesTax);

GetShipmentDiscountPrice(IShipment, Currency)

Gets the shipment discount price.

[Obsolete("This method is no longer used, use extension IShipment.GetShipmentDiscountPrice instead. Will remain at least until May 2019.")]
Money GetShipmentDiscountPrice(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

Currency currency

The currency.

Type Description

The shipment discount price.

GetShippingCost(IOrderForm, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping cost of the orderForm.

[Obsolete("This method is no longer used, use IOrderFormCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal instead. Will remain at least until May 2019.")]
Money GetShippingCost(IOrderForm orderForm, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IOrderForm orderForm

The order form.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The shipping cost of the order form.

GetShippingCost(IOrderGroup, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping cost of the orderGroup.

[Obsolete("This method is no longer used, use IOrderGroupCalculator.GetShippingSubTotal instead. Will remain at least until May 2019.")]
Money GetShippingCost(IOrderGroup orderGroup, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IOrderGroup orderGroup

the order group.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The shipping cost of the order group.

GetShippingCost(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping cost of an IShipment.

Money GetShippingCost(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The shipping cost of the shipment.

        public void GetShippingCost(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingCost = shippingCalculator.GetShippingCost(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping cost for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingCost);

GetShippingItemsTotal(IShipment, Currency)

Gets the total of prices of all line items in an IShipment.

Money GetShippingItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The subtotal of the shipment.

        public void GetShippingItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shipmentSubtotal = shippingCalculator.GetShippingItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Subtotal for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shipmentSubtotal);

GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(IShipment, Currency)

Gets the total of prices of all return line items in an IShipment. The shipment must belong to anIReturnOrderForm.

Money GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculations.

Type Description

The return subtotal of the shipment.

        public void GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(IShipment shipment, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingItemTotal = shippingCalculator.GetShippingReturnItemsTotal(shipment, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Total prices of all return line items for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingItemTotal);

GetShippingTax(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping tax of an IShipment.

Money GetShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency to be used in the calculation.

Type Description

The shipping tax amount of the shipment.

        public void GetShippingTax(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingTax = shippingCalculator.GetShippingTax(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping tax for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingTax);

GetShippingTotals(IShipment, IMarket, Currency)

Gets the shipping totals, including the shipping tax, shipping cost and items total. These prices are wrapped in a ShippingTotals object.

ShippingTotals GetShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
IShipment shipment

The shipment.

IMarket market

The market to be used in the calculation.

Currency currency

The currency.

Type Description

A shipping totals.

        public void GetShippingTotals(IShipment shipment, IMarket market, Currency currency, IShippingCalculator shippingCalculator)
var shippingTotals = shippingCalculator.GetShippingTotals(shipment, market, currency);
Debug.WriteLine("Subtotal for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingTotals.ItemsTotal);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping cost for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingTotals.ShippingCost);
Debug.WriteLine("Shipping tax for shipment '{0}': {1}", shipment.ShipmentId, shippingTotals.ShippingTax);