Interface ICatalogEventListener

Provides the methods necessary for the catalog event listener.

Namespace: Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.Events
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 10.8.0
[Obsolete("This interface is not used by EPiServer. Use 'Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.Events.CatalogEventBroadcaster' instead. Will remain at least until November 2016.")]
public interface ICatalogEventListener


AssociationDeleted(Object, DeletedAssociationEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog association row has been deleted from the database and the operation is committed.

void AssociationDeleted(object source, DeletedAssociationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

Always null.

DeletedAssociationEventArgs args

The DeletedCatalogEventArgs instance containing the event data.

AssociationUpdated(Object, AssociationEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog association DTO has been saved and committed.

void AssociationUpdated(object source, AssociationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that was saved. All RowStates will be Unmodified.

AssociationEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

AssociationUpdating(Object, AssociationEventArgs)

Raised before saving a catalog association DTO (which may may include multiple inserts, updates, deletes, and/or unchanged rows).

void AssociationUpdating(object source, AssociationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that is about to be saved.

AssociationEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

CatalogDeleted(Object, DeletedCatalogEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog row has been deleted from the database and the operation is committed.

void CatalogDeleted(object source, DeletedCatalogEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

Always null.

DeletedCatalogEventArgs args

The DeletedCatalogEventArgs instance containing the event data.

CatalogUpdated(Object, CatalogEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog DTO has been saved and committed.

void CatalogUpdated(object source, CatalogEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that was saved. All RowStates will be Unmodified.

CatalogEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

CatalogUpdating(Object, CatalogEventArgs)

Raised before saving a catalog DTO (which may may include multiple inserts, updates, deletes, and/or unchanged rows).

void CatalogUpdating(object source, CatalogEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that is about to be saved.

CatalogEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

EntryDeleted(Object, DeletedEntryEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog entry row has been deleted from the database and the operation is committed.

void EntryDeleted(object source, DeletedEntryEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

Always null.

DeletedEntryEventArgs args

The DeletedEntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

EntryUpdated(Object, EntryEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog entry DTO has been saved and committed.

void EntryUpdated(object source, EntryEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that was saved. All RowStates will be Unmodified.

EntryEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

EntryUpdating(Object, EntryEventArgs)

Raised before saving a catalog entry DTO (which may may include multiple inserts, updates, deletes, and/or unchanged rows).

void EntryUpdating(object source, EntryEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that is about to be saved.

EntryEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

NodeDeleted(Object, DeletedNodeEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog node row has been deleted from the database and the operation is committed.

void NodeDeleted(object source, DeletedNodeEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

Always null.

DeletedNodeEventArgs args

The DeletedEntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

NodeUpdated(Object, NodeEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog node DTO has been saved and committed.

void NodeUpdated(object source, NodeEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that was saved. All RowStates will be Unmodified.

NodeEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

NodeUpdating(Object, NodeEventArgs)

Raised before saving a catalog node DTO (which may may include multiple inserts, updates, deletes, and/or unchanged rows).

void NodeUpdating(object source, NodeEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that is about to be saved.

NodeEventArgs args

The NodeEventArgs instance containing the event data.

RelationDeleted(Object, DeletedRelationEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog relation row has been deleted from the database and the operation is committed.

void RelationDeleted(object source, DeletedRelationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

Always null.

DeletedRelationEventArgs args

The DeletedCatalogEventArgs instance containing the event data.

RelationUpdated(Object, RelationEventArgs)

Raised after a catalog relation DTO has been saved and committed.

void RelationUpdated(object source, RelationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that was saved. All RowStates will be Unmodified.

RelationEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.

RelationUpdating(Object, RelationEventArgs)

Raised before saving a catalog relation DTO (which may may include multiple inserts, updates, deletes, and/or unchanged rows).

void RelationUpdating(object source, RelationEventArgs args)
Type Name Description
System.Object source

The DTO that is about to be saved.

RelationEventArgs args

The EntryEventArgs instance containing the event data.