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Area: Optimizely Search & Navigation
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In EPiServer CMS, content can be placed in a content area which is a property of the type ContentArea. Content in a content area will not be indexed by default as part of the main content, but there are methods for achieving content area indexing.

Indexing methods

Use one of the following ways to make for example content of the type block type, become indexed inside a content area:

  • Use the IndexInContentAreas attribute on the content type. All instances of the content type that has been dropped in a content area will be indexed as a part of the main content.
  • Create a Boolean property in admin mode for the content type (selected/not selected) with the name IndexInContentAreas, and set the value to "True". All instances of the content type in a content area will be indexed as a part of the main content.
  • Change the default behavior of the IContentIndexerConventions.ShouldIndexInContentAreaConvention.

Last updated: Jun 10, 2014