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Area: Optimizely Search & Navigation
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Find integration with EPiServer Commerce

Integration with Commerce ensures that Commerce catalog content items, such as bundles, packages, products and variants, are treated as any content item in Find. So, you can build advanced Find features for catalog content as you do for CMS.

Integration components

The Commerce integration provides the following features:

  • Catalog items are included in Unified Search results - projections are configured for Url, ImageUri and object getter for inheritors of EntryContentBase.
  • Catalog items are available when creating best bets - the Find UI for best bets includes an additional field for selecting catalog items.
  • Enhanced indexing of catalog items - the catalog items indexing includes all available catalog languages.
  • Search provider for catalog items - catalog items can be searched with Find in the EPiServer edit view.

To install Commerce integration, adding the EPiServer Find Commerce Integration NuGet package to your solution (run Install-Package EPiServer.Find.Commerce in the Package Manager console). Note that the required EPiServer Commerce version is 8.8 or higher.

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Last updated: Feb 23, 2015

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