Table of Contents
This document describes how to manage client resources in
EPiServer CMS.
It is possible to require certain client resources to be rendered on the page in
a specific area. Usually this approach is used by modules, add-ons and various
plug-ins when client resources cannot be added directly by modifying the
templates. Please refer to Framework SDK for more information.
Consider the following requirements to support this functionality.
Requirements for Page Templates
Client Resource Registers Must be Executed Before Rendering the Page
Client resource registers are executed automatically if template page/controller
inherits one of the following base classes for Web Forms and MVC templates:
- TemplatePage<T>
- TemplatePage
- EditPage
- SamplePage
- PageBase<T>
- PageBase
- PageController<T>
Make sure that you call base.OnPreRenderComplete(e) method if it is overridden
in your page class.
You have to call client resource registers in your code if your template does
not inherit these base classes.
Web Forms Example
Add following code to the method that is raised on OnPreRenderComplete page
event the template does not inherit page base classes:
protected override void OnPreRenderComplete(EventArgs e)
Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IClientResourceService>().RegisterRequiredResources(new HttpContextWrapper(Context));
MVC Example
Decorate your custom page controller with
EPiServer.Framework.Web.Mvc.RequireClientResourcesAttribute if this controller
does not inherit PageController<T>:
public class CustomPageController
Page Templates Must Render Required Client Resources for the Header
and Footer Default Areas
Required client resources for Header area should be rendered inside <head> tag.
Required resources for Footer area should be rendered in the bottom of the page,
before closing </body> tag. Usually it can be in master pages.
Web Forms Example
<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="False" CodeBehind="MasterPage.master.cs"
Inherits="Sample.MasterPage" %>
<head runat="server">
<EPiServer:RequiredClientResources RenderingArea="Header" ID="RequiredResourcesHeader" runat="server" />
<body runat="server" id="Body">
<EPiServer:RequiredClientResources RenderingArea="Footer" ID="RequiredResourcesFooter" runat="server" />
MVC Example
<%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="EPiServer.Framework.Web" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="EPiServer.Framework.Web.Mvc.Html" %>
<head runat="server">
<%= Html.RequiredClientResources(RenderingTags.Header) %>
<%= Html.RequiredClientResources(RenderingTags.Footer)%>
The developer of templates can define any other rendering areas and render resources for
these areas in templates.
For example, you can define areas like BeforeMainBody and AfterMainBody and
render resources for these areas before your main content and after your main
content to provide extension points where some client resources can be injected
on the page. Standard Twitter button injection can be required for AfterMainBody
area to add Twitter button just after the main page text.
EPiServer CMS provides base class EPiServer.Web.PageClientResourceRegister
that you can inherit when implementing client resource register for CMS pages.
You should implement abstract protected method that takes PageData of the current
page as additional argument. This method will not be called if PageData is null
for the current context.
public class ClientResourceRegister : PageClientResourceRegister
protected override void RegisterResources(IRequiredClientResourceList requiredResources, HttpContextBase context, PageData pageData)
if (pageData.PageTypeName.Equals("XFormPage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
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