This feature is only supported in Legacy mode in EPiServer 7.
Note: This topic has no later version.
This document describes the configuration of the Quick Publishing gadget in EPiServer OnlineCenter. This function makes it possible for occasional users of EPiServer CMS to publish content on the website without having to access edit mode, since the publishing is done from the OnlineCenter Dashboard.
Refer to the Configuration Syntax for an explanation of the syntax used in the description of the configuration elements.
Configuring Page Guides
To use quick publishing you first need to configure one or more page guides. Place the page guide configuration as a sub element of in the <site> section in episerver.config.
The following attributes on the <pageGuide> elements are required:
- destinationPageId. The ID of the page that will become the parent of the page published.
- name. A unique name to identify the page guide.
- pageTypeName. The name of the page type that will be instanced.
- title. A short descriptive text that explains what the page guide does.
The <visibleProperties> collection contains a list of named properties from the page type defined in the pageTypeName attribute. These are the properties that the user can assign values to when using the page guide.
<pageGuide destinationPageId="61"
pageTypeName="[Public] News item"
title="Publish a news item">
<pageProperty propertyName="PageName" />
<pageProperty propertyName="MainIntro" />
<pageProperty propertyName="Author" />
<pageProperty propertyName="MainBody" />
<pageGuide destinationPageId="37"
pageTypeName="[Demo] Blog item"
title="Publish a blog item">
<pageProperty propertyName="PageName" />
<pageProperty propertyName="MainBody" />
See Also
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