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Any application may extend the navigation in the left menu, and you also can add, delete, or change an existing tab by creating the LeftMenu.xml file.
The following example shows how to add a link (Countries) to an existing tab in left menu.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Tabs id="mainTag">
<Tab id="navTabAdmin" create="true">
<Link id="Core_System">
<Link id="Core_Dictionaries">
<Link id="Core_CountriesDictionary" text="\{SharedStrings:Countries\}" order="20" iconUrl="" iconCss="" command="cmdOrderCountriesDictionary"
The following example shows how to add an empty tab within Order Management.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Tabs id="mainTag">
<Tab id="navTabOrderManagement" text="{OrderStrings:Order_Management}" order="80" contentType="default" imageUrl="~/Apps/Order/images/module.png" configUrl="" enableHandler="Mediachase.Commerce.Manager.Apps.Order.CommandHandlers.OrderTabEnableHandler, Mediachase.ConsoleManager" permissions="order:mng:view">
The following example shows how to remove a tab within Order Management.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Tabs id="mainTag">
<remove nodeId="navTabOrderManagement">
The following example shows how to remove the Core_CountriesDictionary link from the Order Management tab.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Tabs id="mainTag">
<Tab id="navTabAdmin" create="true">
<Link id="Core_System">
<remove nodeId="Core_CountriesDictionary" />
<Link id="Core_CountriesDictionary" text="Modified Link" order="20" iconUrl="" iconCss="" command="cmdOrderCountriesDictionary"
The Tab element can contain the following attributes:
The following example shows how to retrieve permissions in the EnableHandler class:
public bool IsEnable(object sender, object element)
var commandParams = element as CommandParameters;
if (commandParams != null)
string permissions = commandParams.CommandArguments["permissions"];
Last updated: Oct 12, 2015