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Customizing the toolbar

The Toolbar is a set of buttons, menus, and text with structure and action commands defined in XML. The following top menu examples shows how to modify toolbar items.

Adding a toolbar item

Add a new item to the Welcome menu on top of the page by creating the TopMenu.xml file in the ~/Apps/(ModuleName)/Config/View folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Menu id="CreateMenu" text="\{SharedStrings:Welcome\}">
<Button id="MyTestButton" text="TestButton" imageUrl="~/Apps/Shell/styles/Images/Shell/exit.gif" commandName="TestCommand"></Button>
<Command id=" TestCommand">
<ClientScript>alert('test command');ClientScript>

Modifying a toolbar item

The following example shows how to change the Sign Out text in the same menu.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<View xmlns="">
<Menu id="CreateMenu" text="{SharedStrings:Welcome}">
<Button id="SignOutBtn" text="{ShellStrings:Sign_Out}" imageUrl="~/Apps/Shell/styles/Images/Shell/exit.gif" commandName="ECF_Top_SignOut">
<setAttributes text="New SignOut Text"></setAttributes>

Removing a toolbar item

The following example shows how to remove the Sign Out button from the menu.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<Menu id="CreateMenu" text="{SharedStrings:Welcome}">
<remove nodeId="SignOutBtn" /

XML description

You can add the following elements to the toolbar:

  • Text
  • Splitter
  • Button
  • Menu
  • SplitButton

Note: If the XML contains an unsupported element, the NotSupportedException exception is thrown.

Toolbar attributes

  • id. Unique identifier within XML.
  • text. Element label (button, menu and so on).
  • imageUrl. Element icon (only used for Menu, SplitButton, Button).
  • cssClass. Element stylesheet css class.
  • align. Element location (can be Left, Right). The default value is Left.
  • handler. Client handler which is called when element is clicked; the client method name must be specified; the element object is passed as a parameter to the client method.
  • commandName. Server command; enableHandler of that command determines whether an element is visible.
  • itemSplitter. Added to a Splitter element, can have the following values:
    • None (default). Separator is not added.
    • Left. Separator is added to the left of the element.
    • Right. Separator is added to the right of the element.
    • Both. Separator is added on both sides of the element.
    • tooltip. Define element tooltip.
    • permissions. Text parameter passed to the enableHandler for the command.

Last updated: Oct 12, 2015