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Working with ButtonsHolder

ButtonsHolder is a set of buttons with commands and handlers, defined in a special XML section. You can describe ButtonsHolder in the View/ListViewUI/ButtonSet section when you use it in a separate page, or in the View/Form/ButtonSets/ButtonSet section when you use it inside an XmlFormBuilder-like view.

Adding a button

The following example shows how to add a button to ShipmentStatus by putting the PurchaseOrder-ObjectView.OrderShipment.xml file into the ~/Apps/%AppName%/Config/View/ folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<ButtonSet placeName="StatusChanger">
<Button id="NewButton" text="New button text" commandName="btn_NewButtonCommand" width="170" disableMode="true" permissions="order:mng:edit"></Button>

Modifying a button

The following example shows how to remove the Cancel Shipment button in ShipmentStatus, and replace it with a CancelShipmentNew button.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<View xmlns="">
<ButtonSet placeName="StatusChanger">
<remove nodeId="CancelShipment" />
<Button id="CancelShipmentNew" text="Cancel shipment Modified" commandName="btn_CancelShipment" width="170" disableMode="true" permissions="order:mng:edit"> </Button>

XML description

The control displays a set of buttons with the following properties.

  • ClassName. Class name, required to load XMLwith buttons, 1 parameter in XML.
  • ViewName. View name, required to load XMLwith buttons, 2 parameters in XML.
  • PlaceName. Placeholder name, required to load XMLwith buttons, 3 parameters in XML.
  • HolderMode. Work mode (MetaView / ListViewUI), by default MetaView, defined which folder is used to load XML.
  • Direction. Defined how buttons are displayed (Vertical / Horizontal), default: Vertical.
  • ColumnsCount. Optional parameter, defines how manu columns are used to display button, if not defined, all buttons are displayed using one column or one row (depending on Direction attribute).
  • Title. Button text.
  • ShowTitle. Set to either true or false. Default is false. If true, the header defined in Title property is displayed.
  • ContainerId. Helper parameter passed to each command for each button.

Last updated: Oct 12, 2015