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You can categorize organizations into types such as Organization or Organization Units (for example, regional branches and departments) and business categories, such as Computer and Electronics or Clothing and Accessories. You can use the organizations to group user permissions and limit access to subsystems within Commerce Manager. For information about permissions and organizations, see Authentication and Authorization.

Common organization models

Business to consumer (B2C)

Business to Consumer

Seller organization

A seller organization is created to own all the catalogs (Retailer) and the administrators who maintain the store. The administrators who maintain the store's functions (for example customer service representatives, catalog and product managers) are termed Seller administrators and are owned directly by the Seller organization.

Business to business (B2B)

Business to Business

Buyer organization

Customers, known in B2B direct businesses as buyers, are represented by a buyer organization in the B2B organization structure. Individual users who belong to buyer organizations must register under their respective organization.

Seller organization

A seller organization is created to own the organizations that own catalogs. The administrators who maintain the store's functions (such as customer service representatives, catalog and product managers) are termed seller administrators and belong directly to the seller organization. A child organizational unit (ou), B2B organization, is created under the seller organization to own the store (Business).

Last updated: Oct 12, 2015