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Order addresses are useful when you manage address data retrieved from Customer Management and Order Management, since they use different models for storing data: one uses Meta Data Plus, and the other uses Business Foundation (BF).

Classes in this topic are available in the following namespaces:

Key classes and files

  • OrderAddress*. Contains properties of an address for an order.
  • CustomerAddress**. Contains properties of an address for a customer.
  • OrderGroup*. Contains the collection of order addresses.
  • Cart*. Inherits from OrderGroup. PurchaseOrder*- inherits from OrderGroup.
  • StoreHelper. Contains helper methods for converting addresses.
  • CustomerProfile. Contains customer profile information, like preferred shipping and billing addresses.
  • CustomerProfileWrapper. Extends and adds functionality to CustomerProfile class.
  • CustomerContact**. Contains properties of contacts, like addresses, credit cards, and associated organizations.
  • AddressEditModule.ascx. (CMSSite/Templates/Everything/BusinessControls/CheckoutControls/SharedModules), used in checkout by the CheckoutAddressModule.ascx (inside of CheckoutWizardModule.ascx) to create an OrderAddress.

* Metaclass from Meta Data Plus; ** BF class

How it works

  • The OrderGroup.OrderAddresses property stores addresses for an order.
    • This property contains an OrderAddressCollection, which contains OrderAddress instances.
    • Use the OrderAddress Name property as an identifier of each address.
    • Distinguish shipping and billing addresses by having different Name values.
  • Addresses for a customer are stored in a similar fashion.
    • The CustomerContact object for a user contains a ContactAddresses collection, which contains CustomerAddress instances.
    • The CustomerContact for a user is accessible via CustomerContext.Current.GetContactForUser().
    • The CustomerAddress class contains similar properties to the OrderAddress class and uses the Name property as identifiers for addresses.
    • The CustomerProfileWrapper (which object for a user (accessible through SecurityContext.Current.CurrentUserProfile), contains two properties, PreferredBillingAddress and PreferredShippingAddress, which contain the name of the appropriate address.
  • You can convert an OrderAddress to a ContactAddress using StoreHelper.ConvertToCustomerAddress(). You can do the opposite address conversion with the ConvertToOrderAddress() method.


Example: retrieving a customer's preferred shipping address

CustomerContact contact = CustomerContext.Current.GetContactForUser(SecurityContext.Current.CurrentUser);
CustomerProfileWrapper customerProfile = SecurityContext.Current.CurrentUserProfile as CustomerProfileWrapper;

IEnumerable addresses = contact.ContactAddresses; foreach (CustomerAddress ca in addresses) { if (ca.Name == customerProfile.PreferredShippingAddress) { //we have the preferred shipping address } }

Example: retrieving a shipping address

string shippingAddressName = cart.OrderForms[0].Shipments[0].ShippingAddressId;OrderAddressCollection addresses = cart.OrderAddresses;
foreach (OrderAddress oa in addresses)
    if (oa.Name == shippingAddressName)
        //we have found the shipping address

Last updated: Oct 12, 2015