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This topic provides an introduction to warehouses and inventories in Episerver Commerce.

A warehouse is the physical place with an address from which product items can be shipped. Episerver Commerce includes the option to add and track a list of inventory locations within the system. When creating a new product variant (SKU),  specify the warehouse and inventory information for the item being stored.

Multiple inventories

Episerver Commerce has support for multiple inventory locations. In previous versions of Commerce, these were labeled as warehouses and while you could have more than one, having additional warehouses was purely informational and did not do anything. Inventory and shipping was recorded globally across all warehouses, and anything that worked with warehouse simply took the first record available for its details.

You can define multiple inventory locations in the system. The Warehouse label is kept to be consistent with the past but really these are any place that has inventory that you want to track, whether that is a warehouse you are using for your shipping, individual stores, a factory, or whatever meets your needs. You could even include any trucks you have driving around delivering orders.

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Last updated: Oct 12, 2015