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During checkout, Activity Flows are used to process payments, adjust item stock quantity, and record promotion usage. Episerver Commerce includes an adjust inventory activity that is incorporated into activity flows. The activity re-calculates and adjusts warehouse inventories after placing an order.
Classes in this topic are available in the following namespaces:
The CartCheckout activity flow is executed when a cart is submitted for processing during order placement. The flow performs the following tasks:
The AdjustInventory activity recalculates and adjusts the stock quantity of the cart's items.
Example: the AdjustInventoryActivity activity.
using EPiServer.Logging;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using Mediachase.Commerce.InventoryService;
using Mediachase.Commerce.InventoryService.BusinessLogic;
using Mediachase.Commerce.Orders;
using Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Managers;
using Mediachase.Commerce.WorkflowCompatibility;
using Mediachase.MetaDataPlus;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Mediachase.Commerce.Workflow.Activities.Cart
public class AdjustInventoryActivity : CartActivityBase
private readonly ILogger _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(AdjustInventoryActivity));
private Injected _inventoryService;
private Injected _operationKeySerializer;
private readonly static object _lockObject = new object();
/// Get inventory requests for shipment
///The shipment
///The start index
///The inventory request type
///List inventory request item of a shipment
private IEnumerable GetRequestInventory(Shipment shipment, int itemIndexStart, InventoryRequestType type)
return shipment.OperationKeysMap.SelectMany(c => c.Value).Select(key =>
new InventoryRequestItem()
ItemIndex = itemIndexStart++,
OperationKey = key,
RequestType = type
/// Get inventory request for the line item.
///The shipment
///The line item index
///The start index for request item
///The inventory request type
///List inventory request item for a line item
private IEnumerable GetLineItemRequestInventory(Shipment shipment, int lineItemIndex, int itemIndexStart, InventoryRequestType type)
return shipment.OperationKeysMap.Where(c => c.Key == lineItemIndex).SelectMany(c => c.Value).Select(key =>
new InventoryRequestItem()
ItemIndex = itemIndexStart++,
OperationKey = key,
RequestType = type
/// Called by the workflow runtime to execute an activity.
///The to associate with this and execution.
/// The of the run task, which determines whether the activity remains in the executing state, or transitions to the closed state.
protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
// Check for multiple warehouses. In the default, we simply reject processing an order if the application has
// multiple warehouses. Any corresponding fulfillment process is the responsibility of the client.
// Validate the properties at runtime
// Return close status if order group is Payment Plan
if (OrderGroup is PaymentPlan)
return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
var orderGroupStatus = OrderStatusManager.GetOrderGroupStatus(OrderGroup);
var orderForms = OrderGroup.OrderForms.Where(o => !OrderForm.IsReturnOrderForm(o));
var inventoryRequests = new List();
foreach (OrderForm orderForm in orderForms)
foreach (Shipment shipment in orderForm.Shipments)
var shipmentStatus = OrderStatusManager.GetOrderShipmentStatus(shipment);
bool completingOrder = orderGroupStatus == OrderStatus.Completed || shipmentStatus == OrderShipmentStatus.Shipped;
bool cancellingOrder = orderGroupStatus == OrderStatus.Cancelled || shipmentStatus == OrderShipmentStatus.Cancelled;
_logger.Debug(string.Format("Adjusting inventory, got orderGroupStatus as {0} and shipmentStatus as {1}. completingOrder as {2} and cancellingOrder as {3}.", orderGroupStatus, shipmentStatus, completingOrder, cancellingOrder));
// When completing/cancelling an order or a shipment
if (completingOrder || cancellingOrder)
var requestType = completingOrder ? InventoryRequestType.Complete : InventoryRequestType.Cancel;
inventoryRequests.AddRange(GetRequestInventory(shipment, inventoryRequests.Count, requestType));
// When processed request, need to clear all operation keys from the shipment
// When release a shipment, check if shipment contain a BackOrder then need to complete that BackOrder.
else if (shipmentStatus == OrderShipmentStatus.Released)
foreach (LineItem lineItem in Shipment.GetShipmentLineItems(shipment))
var lineItemIndex = orderForm.LineItems.IndexOf(lineItem);
var completeBackOrderRequest = new List();
var lineItemRequest = GetLineItemRequestInventory(shipment, lineItemIndex, 0, InventoryRequestType.Complete);
// Only need to process complete BackOrder request type
foreach (var request in lineItemRequest)
InventoryRequestType requestType;
InventoryChange change;
_operationKeySerializer.Service.TryDeserialize(request.OperationKey, out requestType, out change);
if (requestType == InventoryRequestType.Backorder)
// Add BackOrder request to request list
// Then remove BackOrder request operation key from shipment's operation key map
shipment.RemoveOperationKey(lineItemIndex, request.OperationKey);
// Storage the response operation keys from complete BackOrder mapping with line item index
if (completeBackOrderRequest.Count > 0)
InventoryResponse response = _inventoryService.Service.Request(new InventoryRequest(DateTime.UtcNow, completeBackOrderRequest, null));
if (response != null && response.IsSuccess)
shipment.InsertOperationKeys(lineItemIndex, response.Items.Select(c => c.OperationKey));
else if (orderGroupStatus == OrderStatus.InProgress || orderGroupStatus == OrderStatus.AwaitingExchange)
// When placing an order or creating an exchange order
bool placingOrder = shipmentStatus == OrderShipmentStatus.AwaitingInventory || shipmentStatus == OrderShipmentStatus.InventoryAssigned;
if (placingOrder)
var lineItems = Shipment.GetShipmentLineItems(shipment);
if (lineItems.Any(c => c.ObjectState == MetaObjectState.Modified) || HasDeletedLineItem(shipment, lineItems))
foreach (LineItem lineItem in lineItems)
RequestInventory(orderForm, shipment, lineItem);
else if (lineItems.Any(c => c.ObjectState == MetaObjectState.Added))
foreach (LineItem lineItem in lineItems.Where(c => c.ObjectState == MetaObjectState.Added))
RequestInventory(orderForm, shipment, lineItem);
if (shipment.ObjectState == MetaObjectState.Modified)
if (inventoryRequests.Any())
_inventoryService.Service.Request(new InventoryRequest(DateTime.UtcNow, inventoryRequests, null));
// Retun the closed status indicating that this activity is complete.
return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
// An unhandled exception occured. Throw it back to the WorkflowRuntime.
private bool HasDeletedLineItem(Shipment shipment, IEnumerable lineItems)
//There is deleted line item if, except the newly added line items, the number count is less than the operation keys count;
return lineItems.Count(c => c.ObjectState != MetaObjectState.Added) < shipment.OperationKeysMap.Count;
private void RequestInventory(OrderForm orderForm, Shipment shipment, LineItem lineItem)
var lineItemIndex = orderForm.LineItems.IndexOf(lineItem);
InventoryRequest request;
var outOfStock = false;
InventoryResponse response = null;
lock (_lockObject)
// Check quantity of order again to make sure there is enough quantity.
outOfStock = this.GetNewLineItemQty(lineItem, new List(), shipment) <= 0;
if (!outOfStock)
request = AdjustStockItemQuantity(shipment, lineItem);
if (request != null)
response = _inventoryService.Service.Request(request);
// if out of stock, delete line item and remove line item from the shipment.
if (outOfStock)
Warnings.Add("LineItemRemoved-" + lineItem.LineItemId.ToString(), String.Format("Item \"{0}\" has been removed from the cart because there is not enough available quantity.", lineItem.DisplayName));
// Delete the shipment and cancel operation keys if it has no more line item.
if (shipment.LineItemIndexes.Length == 0)
if (response != null && response.IsSuccess)
lineItem.IsInventoryAllocated = true;
// Store operation keys to Shipment for each line item, to use later for complete request
var existedIndex = shipment.OperationKeysMap.ContainsKey(lineItemIndex);
var operationKeys = response.Items.Select(c => c.OperationKey);
if (!existedIndex)
shipment.AddInventoryOperationKey(lineItemIndex, operationKeys);
shipment.InsertOperationKeys(lineItemIndex, operationKeys);
To customize the AdjustInventory activity, create an activity flow which mirrors the CartCheckoutActivityFlow, and substitute the AdjustInventoryActivity with your implementation.
Last updated: Oct 12, 2015