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Release Notes – EPiServer 7 Connect for SharePoint

This document describes the changes in EPiServer 7 Connect for Sharepoint.

About this release

New features:

  • EPiServer 7 CMS support.
  • Microsoft SharePoint 2013 support.
  • Selectable export targets for Microsoft SharePoint libraries. Allows for you to choose how Microsoft SharePoint library items should be exported to EPiServer 7 CMS - as pages or as files.


  • Enable Basic Authentication as a separate installer feature.
  • Virtual Path Provider for SharePoint as a separate installer feature.
  • A virtual name can be specified for Virtual Path Provider for SharePoint during installation. Allows to add new providers to an EPiServer CMS site with the installer.
  • Supported library types are configurable for Virtual Path Provider for SharePoint.
  • Settings for the SharePoint solution are now stored in SharePoint database instead of a separate XML config file.
  • The library name is not added to the exported file path when pushing files from Microsoft SharePoint to EPiServer 7 CMS, which provides better control of the target folder structure.
  • There is a possibility to configure a list of available EPiServer page types when creating an item in SharePoint. Selected page type will be used when item is exported to EPiServer CMS as a page.

Related information

Document last saved: February 27, 2013