Unified File System

Product version:

EPiServer CMS 4.62

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The contents of this document are directly taken from the EPiServer CMS SDK. Please see the SDK for further technical information about EPiServer CMS.

Table of Contents


    - Issue Concerning EPiServer CMS 4.60 / 4.61
    - Configuration Essentials
    - Configuration Documentation

How To…
    - Add New Folders
    - Add New Secure Folders
    - Secure Existing Folders
    - Move Special Page Folders to a Separate Folder
    - Secure Special Page Folders
    - Move Folders Around / Mappings
    - Add a Versioned Share
    - Add Cache Headers to Served Files

Searching the File System
    - IFilters

Unified File System Support for Templates
    - Custom Templates
    - File Listing Template
    - Search Template
    - Security Check List

Technical Details

    - I Get a NullReferenceException in File Manager
    - I Configured "/Upload" to be the Page Directory, but I Can't See it Anymore
    - Is Impersonation Required/Recommended?
    - Search Results Display Files that Users Don’t Have Access To
    - Error Message "TransmitFile.." when Downloading Secured Files


The Unified File System enables the addition of a virtual share, giving access to files that are not exposed by Internet Information Server (IIS). (The virtual shares are handled by EPiServer CMS and should not be confused with virtual folders in IIS.)

Files do not have to be located in a traditional file system; they can be stored in any source that can represent their data in a structured way. It is possible to customize the file system implementation to work with, for example Microsoft SharePoint, or a company file system with complete integration with EPiServer CMS.

All folders, and therefore files, can be protected using EPiServer CMS access permission security. Correct access permission is required to be able to view or download a file. Files corresponding to specific pages are protected by the same access permissions as the page. This feature must be activated as the original files need to be moved to a protected location so that EPiServer CMS can handle all access.

If you use file access in templates to a protected folder, you must rewrite your solution to use the classes in the EPiServer.FileSystem namespace.



Without any configuration, a handler will by default be set up to match whatever configuration made to the EPsUploadDir setting under the appSettings element in web.config.

After you add file system configuration, the EPsUploadDir setting will only act as the default folder opened in any graphical user interface in EPiServer CMS. It will also act as the default folder for special page folders until you specify pageDirectory=”True” on a handler.

Issue Concerning EPiServer 4.60 / 4.61

From EPiServer CMS 4.60, the following registration in web.config is required for virtual unified file system handlers, i.e. those handled by EPiServer CMS. Registration is done automatically at installation and upgrade. This module is responsible, for example, for making sure that "Documents/MyDocument.doc" is mapped to a file in versioned file system. It should be placed after SpiderSupport, which was previously reponsible for this functionality.


  <add name="SpiderSupport" type="EPiServer.Util.SpiderSupport, EPiServer" />

  <add name="UnifiedFileSystem" type="EPiServer.FileSystem.UnifiedFileSystemModule, EPiServer" /> 

Configuration Essentials

By default, EPiServer has no configuration information about the file system setup in web.config. It will, by default, configure a backward-compatible setup, based on the value in EPsUploadDir in web.config. Before configuring the Unified File System, make sure that the following information exists inside the root configuration element of your web.config file.

       1.       Add the configuration setting to let ASP.NET know you have your own section.


    <sectionGroup name="episerver">

        <section name="unifiedFileSystem"



            type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Handler.ConfigurationHandler,EPiServer" />




It is important that the configSections tag is located at the top of web.config. This does not apply to the episerver section.

       2.       Add the configuration section for the default upload folder.








                type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Handler.NativeFileSystem,EPiServer" />





      3.       When you save your changes, your installation should behave as before, as you have not yet changed any behavior.

Note The virtualName setting above can, of course, be set to another location in your installation, just check the value of EPsUploadDir.

Configuration Documentation








                type="<mapper type>" />








                <customSettings <custom key>="<custom value>" />






Element: map





Relative path

Used to redirect all requests from this base path


Relative path

Used to redirect all requests to this base path



The class that will handle incoming mapping requests

Element: handler





True or False

Configures a folder to be used only as the special page folder container


A name of the folder

The root name of the folder in a site, must match the actual folder name when virtualShare is set to False. Otherwise it can be any name that does not match a existing folder name.


True or False

If EPiServer CMS should activate security and if files should be delivered through EPiServer CMS and not IIS.



The type of file system that will handle this folder.

NativeFileSystem - This types stores and accesses files using a standard Windows folder structure. It has great performance and is simple to set up as you can map it to any existing structure. Searching is handled by Microsoft Indexing Service.

VersioningFileSystem - This type stores structure and versioning information in the EPiServer CMS database and has more features such as check in/check out and version history. The actual files are stored as files on the disk, but contain no structural information. Searching is handled by the EPiServer CMS Indexing Service.

How To…

Add New Folders

It is possible for editors to be able to access the images folder, which defines many images used in the Web site design.

  • Add a new handler section which points out the local images folder.





    type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Handler.NativeFileSystem,EPiServer" />

The handler section is identical, but the virtualName is changed to images, which is the name of our folder. When you open the file manager in Edit mode, you should have two folders pointing to both the images folder and the upload folder.

Note It is important that you set the correct Windows ACL on folders exposed to editors to make sure they have enough permission to edit files and folders. On Windows 2000/XP, you should give the local ASPNET account Change permissions on the folder. On Windows Server 2003, use the IIS_WPG group or the actual process account configured in Internet Information Services (IIS)

Add New Secure Folders

The previous example adds a handler for folders that already exist on the Web site. In reality we make sure EPiServer CMS can display them in Edit mode. When a user downloads an image from the images folder in the previous example, it will be served the Internet Information Services, just as we are used to.

To add a folder that will be secured by EPiServer CMS, follow the instructions below.

       1.       Make sure the folder cannot be accessed by IIS. This would short-circuit the security check.

       2.       Add a new folder to "c:\inetpub" and call it SecureFiles.

       3.       Add a handler configuration section.






    <customSettings PhysicalPath="c:\inetpub\SecureFiles" />


When you open the file manager in Edit mode, you will not see the new folder, because no one has been granted access yet. Go to Admin mode and click File management under the Tools section. When you select the Secure folder, you will see a new button, Security. Add the appropriate access levels.

The main difference from the previous configuration is that virtualShare is set to True. This tells EPiServer CMS that files accessed in the SecureFiles folder must pass security checks, both when accessed from Edit mode and when downloading files.

Files that don’t get exposed by Internet Information Services can be downloaded anyway, because the technology is the same as that for simple address to pages in EPiServer. We add a custom Web form to handle traffic that results in "404 File Not Found from IIS". So if you access http://localhost/Secure/MyFile.doc, it will be delivered to the user by EPiServer CMS instead and the user will not be able to see any difference. This makes it easy to take an existing folder and move it to a secure location without changing any links.

Secure Existing Folders

Securing an existing folder is not very different from adding secure folders. We assume that we have an Extranet folder on our Web site that contains documents we wish to secure.

       1.       Set up the configuration section in web.config.






    <customSettings PhysicalPath="c:\inetpub\Extranet" />


       2.       Take the existing Extranet folder and move it from "c:\inetpub\EPiServer\Extranet" to "c:\inetpub\Extranet". This means that we take it out of Web exposure as far as IIS is concerned.

       3.       Go to Admin mode and click File management under the Tools section. When you select the Extranet folder, you will get a new button, Security. Add the appropriate access levels.

You should now be able to access the files, but every file is checked for security by EPiServer, as defined in Admin mode.

Note  SpiderSupport and the redirection of 404 errors must be correctly configured for secured folders to work correctly. See the FAQ How do I configure IIS to use the function "Simple address to the page" in EPiServer 4? for further information.

Move Special Page Folders to a Separate Folder

EPiServer CMS has a concept of special page folders, where every page can have its own folder with files that only apply to this specific page. These folders have previously been stored in the same upload folder as the rest of the files. For example "/upload/33/MyFile.doc", where ”33” is a folder created specifically for a page in EPiServer CMS and filtered out of the other views of the upload folder.

Moving these folders to another location is very simple and the pageDirectory attribute is the key to success.

       1.       Create a new folder called pages on your Web site and add a configuration section for this folder.





    type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Handler.NativeFileSystem,EPiServer" /> 

       2.       If you browse the file manager in Edit mode, you will not see the pages folder, but if you click Current page folder, you will be linked to a special folder for this page that resides in the pages folder.

Note If you are adding this configuration to an existing site, you have to move the actual numeric folders from the upload folder to the pages folder.

Secure Special Page Folders

Sometimes Web sites have many different access levels or you may need to make sure that documents in the special page folder do not become accessible before the page. As seen in other configuration examples, we can secure page folders in the same way.

       1.       Move the folder created in Move Special Page Folders to a Separate Folder, or create a new one at "c:\inetpub\pages".

       2.       Change the page configuration (you cannot have more than one page folder of course).






    <customSettings PhysicalPath="c:\inetpub\Pages" />


You cannot browse page directories; you will only be able to access them directly in the file manager using the Current page folder.

Note If you access files in a page folder, they will receive the same security checks as a page would. For example, a page where the start publish date is forward in time will require Edit access to files in this folder, just as for the page itself.

Move Folders Around / Mappings

When presented with this amount of configuration settings, you will probably find yourself in a situation where you need to move a folder from one location to another.

The functionality presented below was built to target existing EPiServer CMS sites that want to enable security on some folders on their site. If you move existing secured folders, take the security notices into consideration.

For example, if you have files in "/upload/Documents" that you wish to move to the previously created folder Secure, all existing links would point to the wrong location. One solution is to find and change all links, so that they point to the new location. Another way is to use the mapping features in the file system, for example:





        type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Mapping.SimpleMapping,EPiServer" />



This configuration will ensure that access to "/upload/documents/MyFile.doc" will be redirected to "/Secure/MyFile.doc". Mappings only work when the toPath is a virtualShare. Otherwise you should use IIS to redirect requests.

A more complex operation would be to only move the special page folders from the upload folder to the pages folder without changing the existing links. The example configuration requires that you have set up a secured pages folder.





        type="EPiServer.FileSystem.Mapping.PageDirectoryMapping,EPiServer" />



As you can see, the PageDirectoryMapping type is used instead. The mapper will only redirect requests that start with "/upload", followed by one or more digits. For example, "/upload/45/Myfile.doc" will be redirected to "/pages/45/MyFile.doc".

Add a Versioned Share

File version control is available from EPiServer CMS 4.50. The type VersioningFileSystem stores structure and versioning information in the EPiServer CMS database and has more features such as check in/check out and version history. The actual files are stored as files on the disk, but contain no structural information. Searching is handled by the EPiServer Indexing Service.

To add a versioned share to the Unified File System, follow the instructions below.

       1.       Add a new folder to "c:\inetpub" that will contain the files to be available for version control.

       2.       Add a new handler section that points out the directory to be shared - c:\inetpub\Documents in the example below.








        MaxVersions="10" />


       3.       Open EPiServer CMS Manager and go to the Capabilities section for the Web site in question. Click Enable in the Indexing section. If indexing is already enabled, you must disable indexing and then enable it again.

Note EPiServer CMS Indexing stores the connection string of the site in c:\Program\EPiServer.IndexingService\EPiServer.IndexingService.exe.config. You must manually edit this file if you change the connection string of your site or the path to the versioned files. The EPiServer CMS Indexing Service is a global service and can handle multiple configurations on the same machine. It will poll the databases for changes and add index information to the file path.

Add Cache Headers to Served Files

In EPiServer CMS 4.62 cache headers were introduced for files served by the Unified File System. If activated, standard headers are served with the file which allows a browser to cache the file for the amount of time specified in the header. To activate this, a new application setting called EPsUnifiedFileExpireTime should be added to the web.config file. See below for details:




The value supplied should be parsable by an instance of a .NET TimeSpan object. The example above indicates to the browser that files should be cached for 1 day.

Searching the File System

In the file manager in Edit mode, you have an option to search in the file system. This feature uses Microsoft Indexing Service. By default, this feature will search in the SYSTEM catalog, which by default in Windows allows search in all local drives. Sometimes this catalog is not available, so you have to map a new catalog. This is done by the following configuration in EPiServer CMS:








        PhysicalPath="c:\inetpub\Extranet" />


The catalog is created in Indexing Service and called ExtranetCatalog. It maps to a directory either identical to "c:\inetpub\Extranet" or any folder containing the Extranet folder. The file manager will automatically set scope for the search to the correct path, so the path of the folder does not have to match the path of the catalog. Remember that if you have more than one handler, you must configure IndexCatalog for all of them, for example by using the same Index Server catalog.

This will make sure you can search for files in Edit mode, but if you want the search template in EPiServer CMS to search the same way, you have to make some changes to this template.

Important!  If you are using a versioned share (see Add a Versioned Share) no Index Server configuration is needed as this handler has built in search capabilities.


To search content from within different file formats, Microsoft Indexing Service needs to have the appropriate IFilters installed. There are filters available for most common formats such as .pdf, .zip and Microsoft Office files (and many more). If the correlating filter for a certain file extension is not installed, the contents of those files will not be indexed end therefore not searchable. If you experience a lack of hits from a certain file type when searching your site, a missing IFilter could be the cause.

For a desciption of some of the more common IFilters, please visit Microsoft's Web site:

›› http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms692582.aspx 

Unified File System Support for Templates

Custom Templates

If you have other templates in your site that programmatically access files using Microsoft.NET API to any of the directories that will be secured, you must change this, so that they use the Unified File System API instead.

The Unified File System API is very similar to the Microsoft.NET API so there should not be any problems migrating code. Code that only accesses non-secured directories does not need to be modified. The recommendation is to always use our API as it is specifically designed for the Web and EPiServer CMS.

//Example using Microsoft.NET API

FileInfo file = new FileInfo( Server.MapPath("~/securefolder") );



//Example using Unified File System API

UnifiedFile file = UnifiedFileSystem.GetFile("/securefolder");



File Listing Template

The file listing template does not support Unified File System in versions before EPiServer CMS 4.40. It was built to support Windows files and folders and must remain backward-compatible. The core of the file listing template is the FileTree control that must be changed to UnifiedFileTree, which has very similar syntax, but with some minor changes. The UnifiedFileTree only supports directories defined in Unified File System and should be considered for other reasons such as security concerns, as it will not let an editor set the path to a directory not defined in Unified File System.

You need to recompile the project for this change. Please see "Templates/Units/FileListing.ascx" in the EPiServer templates pack for example code.

Search Template

If you want the search template in EPiServer CMS to search through Unified File System to make sure the results reflect the user access rights, you must make a small code change.

This is the default code for the search template in "Templates/Units/Search.ascx". The settings MainScope and MainCatalog must be removed to transfer control to Unified File System:




   SearchQuery='<%# SearchQuery.Text %>'

   SearchFiles='<%# SearchFiles.Checked %>'

   OnlyWholeWords='<%# OnlyWholeWords.Checked %>'

   MainScope='<%# CurrentPage["MainScope"] %>'

   MainCatalog='<%# CurrentPage["MainCatalog"] %>'

   PageLink='<%# Configuration.StartPage %>'



Add the setting UnifiedSearchLocations instead which is a comma-separated list of directories to search in: 




   SearchQuery='<%# SearchQuery.Text %>'

   SearchFiles='<%# SearchFiles.Checked %>'

   OnlyWholeWords='<%# OnlyWholeWords.Checked %>'


   PageLink='<%# Configuration.StartPage %>'




Security Check List

  • Your secured directory should not be exposed by Internet Information Server in any way. It would bypass Unified File System security checks, which are responsible for downloads.
  • The search template should not use Index Server directly. It is the responsibility of Unified File System to handle Index Server communication.
  • Do not expose the same directory more than once. For example, if you were to expose some secure documents through both "/Files/Extranet" and "/Extranet", they would get different access control lists, based on the URL.
  • Do not rename directory handler names without reconfiguring security settings, for example changing "/Extranet" to "/AnotherExtranet" would make it lose security settings.

Technical Details

Access Rights are Mapped to the URL

When you add a folder and set access rights, these settings are stored in EPiServer CMS with the URL to access the folder, not the physical path. For example, if you set that "/Secure/Documents" should have some specific access rights, you could change the physical location of the actual folder without affecting access rights set in EPiServer CMS, as long as it is accessed using the same URL. This makes it easy to move a site or the locations of folders in the file system. This also means that EPiServer CMS never touches the file system to store any internal settings. All settings made in EPiServer CMS are stored in EPiServer CMS.

Security Notices

Never change the names of subfolders in Windows Explorer, as security settings will be lost. This does not apply if a subfolder is set to inherit security settings from the parent folder. If you must allow editors to change subfolders in Windows Explorer, you should consider only setting access rights to the root folder, as the name of this folder is stored in web.config.

EPiServer CMS controls access rights using the URL to the files, so you must never expose the same folders using different virtual names. For example, if you were to expose "C:\Secure" both as "/Secure" and as "/Public", you would allow visitors to access the same files using different paths and access rights, if you haven't set identical access rights in EPiServer CMS.


I Get a NullReferenceException in File Manager.

Check that the EPsUploadDir setting points to an existing directory.

I Configured "/Upload" to be the Page Directory, but I Can't See it Anymore

The pageDirectory setting should only be used if you want a special directory separated from the other directories to store page folders. You will not be able to browse a page directory and it will only be used to store the special page folders. A page folder can be accessed using the "Current page" link in the file manager.

Is Impersonation Required/Recommended?

No, Unified File System moves responsibility from the Windows administrator to the EPiServer CMS administrator. If you enable impersonation, you must give all users NTFS access to the configured directories anyway. Otherwise you still let the Windows administrator control access.

Search Results Display Files that Users Don’t Have Access To

Make sure you configured the search template to use Unified File System for search instead of working directly against Index Server.

Error Message "TransmitFile.." when Downloading Secured Files

The download manager uses a function added in .NET Framework 1.1 SP1. Make sure that you upgrade your system. You can also download a hot fix instead, if you don’t want to upgrade to SP1 as advised by the EPiServer CMS Installer. This hot fix is available at the EPiServer Download Center.