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Listen/Subscribe to EPiServer CMS 5 R1 File Events

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EPiServer CMS 5 R1

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The base for File Event subscription is the UnifiedFile and UnifiedDirectory classes. They are abstraction classes of the underlying file system and the facade for EPiServer CMS 5 and file management.

UnifiedFile triggers events (both pre and post events) to subscribers when a file is

  • deleted
  • checked out
  • checked in
  • moved
  • copied

UnifiedDirectory triggers events (both pre and post events) to subscribers when

  • a file is added
  • a directory is added
  • a directory is moved
  • a directory is copied
  • a directory is deleted

Since UnifiedFile and UnifiedDirectory are highly abstract classes in the EPiServer CMS 5 object hierarchy, there is no knowledge of who (logged-in EPiServer CMS 5 user) performed the operation. This makes more sense since underlying FileSystems (such as NativeFileSystem) can have a non-EPiServer CMS 5 user manipulating files directly outside the admin UI. It is not recommended to use the local file directory used by EPiServer CMS 5 directly since other functionality may rely on events being triggered, for example Workflows.

Below is a sample code snippet to illustrate how to subscribe on File events. The example class is a singleton instance storing the list of events (as strings) triggered by UnifiedFile, in a real live scenario the listener for events might be implemented differently. 

public class Subscriber


    private static Subscriber instance = null;

    private static IList<string> events = new List<string>();

    static Subscriber()


        UnifiedFile.UnifiedFileMoved += new UnifiedFileEventHandler<UnifiedVirtualPathEventArgs>(UnifiedFile_FileMoved);



    void UnifiedFile_FileMoved(UnifiedFile sender,

        UnifiedVirtualPathEventArgs args)


        events.Add("File moved from: " +

        args.VirtualPath +

        " to:" +



    public static Subscriber Instance




            if (instance == null)

                instance = new Subscriber();

            return instance;



    public IList GetEvents()


        return events;

