EPiServer Connect for SharePoint
Known Limitations and Troubleshooting

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EPiServer Connect for Sharepoint 2007 version 2.1

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This technical note contains the known limitations for EPiServer Connect for SharePoint 2.1.

Known Issues and Limitations 

  • Each item exported from SharePoint will get the same identity (GUID) in EPiServer that it has in SharePoint. A consequence of this is that you can not have a one to many mapping from SharePoint to EPiServer. That is, you cannot map one item from SharePoint to end up as several items in EPiServer (e.g. by configuring a SharePoint item in several Content Channels with different roots on the same EPiServer site).
  • Module installation after installing Connect for SharePoint 2.1 will not work due to the EPiServer Installation Manager behaviour. Please refer to the section Module Installation Restriction in the Installation Instructions for information about how to circumnavigate this restriction.
  • The following error: Impossible to update deleted pages in EPiServer CMS Web site with Connect for SharePoint 2.1. See the work-around for this in EPiServer Connect for Microsoft SharePoint 2.1 - Tech Note.
  • After checking in a file, an extra version is displayed on the version history .
  • It is not possibile to copy files between two WSS Providers.
  • If a library in SharePoint has column of unsupported of the data type('Lookup' or 'Person') then the item metadata will be not updated.
  • Files with the a size greater than 250 KB may lead to a long response time (>2 sec) - under heavy load.
  • See the known issues in the VPP Search functionality technical note.


Items are created or edited in SharePoint but nothing appears in EPiServer CMS

When items are created, edited or deleted in SharePoint, the connector is notified of these changes via a background event. Any errors that occur sending the changes to EPiServer CMS cannot be reported to the user directly as this component has no way of interacting with the SharePoint GUI. Because of this limitation, all errors are writen to the Windows Event Application Log. The source name to look for is "EPiServer SharePoint Connector".

The most likely errors relating to SharePoint items not appearing in EPiServer CMS are:

  • The EPiServer URL in the channel is not pointing at a EPiServer CMS Content Channel web service. See the section on SharePoint Channels above.
  • The EPiServer Username or Password in the channel are invalid on the EPiServer CMS machine.
  • The EPiServer Username identifies a user on the EPiServer CMS machine that does not have the "Permission to act as a web service user".
  • No SharePoint list items or document libraries have been selected in the channel
  • No page type has been selected in the Content Channel in EPiServer
  • No mapping has been made between a field on the SharePoint list item and the EPiServer PageName property for the seleted page type in the Content Channel in EPiServer

Metadata for a file imported from SharePoint cannot be edited

The user interface in EPiServer CMS for editing file metadata uses the EPiServer X-Forms technology. Users can define a separate File Summary configuration for each virtual path provider using the customFileSummary.  By using the file summary configuration file the user can define which properties should be available for edit and advanced search functionality for this virtual path provider See the techicnal note which describes how to implement this.