[Samples_MS Egde,IE,FF] Date time range: No validation message when From > To

Found in

EPiServer.Forms.Samples 3.3.0

Fixed in

EPiServer.Forms.Samples 3.3.1

(Or a related package)


Mar 10, 2017


Jul 03, 2017


Closed, Fixed and tested


Steps to reproduce

1. A form1 (containing a Date time range element) is added to page1.
2. Open page1 in view mode in the IE or MS Egde browser.
3. Enter data to Date time range element. Ensure that the From value > the To value.
4. Submit the form.

Expected: You get a warning to Enter a valid date-time range.
Actual: No validation message displays.

Note: No such issue in Chrome and the NonJS mode.