The Shortcut field has not default value "No shortcut" if deleting a page after setting shortcut type to "Fetch content from another content item"

Found in

EPiServer.CMS.Core 11.20.3

Fixed in

EPiServer.CMS.Core 11.20.3

(Or a related package)


Dec 24, 2020


Jan 18, 2021


CMS Core


Closed, Fixed and tested


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Page 1 is a product page with a published version. Page 2 is a product page and has content in the main body property. It is also published.
    Page 1 has the shortcut type "Fetch content from another item" set and links to page 2.
  2. Go to edit view and delete page 2.
  3. Empty the trash.
  4. Select page 1 in the page tree, go to All properties view and select the Settings tab.

Expected result:

The Shortcut field has value "No shortcut".

Actual result:

The Shortcut field has value: "Fetch content from another item".