CD GET does not return list block value in ContentArea inlineBlock

Found in

EPiServer.CMS.Core 12.12.1

Fixed in

EPiServer.CMS.Core 12.14.0

(Or a related package)


Feb 20, 2023


Apr 18, 2023


CMS Core


Closed, Fixed and tested


Fixed an issue where the CD GET did not return a list block value in ContentArea inlineBlock.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Call Content Definition API to create a block type BlockWithListBlockAndInteger, properties BlockList and Interger (or any property type)

    "name": "BlockWithListBlockAndInteger",
    "baseType": "Block",
    "properties": [
            "name": "BlockList",
            "dataType": "PropertyCollection",
            "itemType": "EditorialBlock",
            "branchSpecific": false,
            "editSettings": {
                "visibility": "default",
                "displayName": "BlockList",
                "groupName": "Information",
                "sortOrder": 0
            "name": "PropInteger",
            "dataType": "PropertyNumber",
            "branchSpecific": false,
            "editSettings": {
                "visibility": "default",
                "displayName": "PropInteger",
                "groupName": "Information",
                "sortOrder": 0

 2. Call Content Management API to create a ProductPage content, ContentArea has inlineBlock is BlockWithListBlockAndInteger

    "language": {
        "name": "sv"
    "name": "InlineBlock_Page",
    "contentType": [
    "parentLink": {
        "id": {{testContainerPageId}}
    "status": "Published",
    "UniqueSellingPoints": {
        "value": [
    "RelatedContentArea": {
        "value": [
                "displayOption": "wide",
                "tag": null,
                "inlineBlock": {
                    "contentType": [
                    "blockList": {
                        "value": [
                                "name": "BlockList",
                                "propertyDataType": "PropertyBlock",
                                "propertyItemType": "EditorialBlock",
                                "mainBody": {
                                    "value": "EditorialBlock mainbody",
                                    "propertyDataType": "PropertyXhtmlString"
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyCollection",
                        "propertyItemType": "PropertyBlock"
                    "propInteger": {
                        "value": 1,
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyNumber"
        "propertyDataType": "PropertyContentArea"

3. Call Content Management API GET to get content in step 2

  • Observed result: The inlineBlock is correct as input
"inlineBlock": {
                    "contentType": [
                    "blockList": {
                        "value": [
                                "name": "BlockList",
                                "propertyDataType": "PropertyBlock",
                                "propertyItemType": "EditorialBlock",
                                "mainBody": {
                                    "value": "EditorialBlock mainbody",
                                    "propertyDataType": "PropertyXhtmlString"
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyCollection",
                        "propertyItemType": "PropertyBlock"
                    "propInteger": {
                        "value": 1,
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyNumber"

4. Call Content Definition API GET to get content in step 2

  • Expected result: InlineBlock is same as result in step 3
  • Actual result: InlineBlock has blockList value is []
"inlineBlock": {
                    "contentType": [
                    "blockList": {
                        "value": [],
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyCollection",
                        "propertyItemType": "PropertyBlock"
                    "propInteger": {
                        "value": 1,
                        "propertyDataType": "PropertyNumber"