Change product sort orders in the catalog

Fixed in

EPiServer.Commerce 11.0.0

(Or a related package)


Oct 12, 2015


Dec 19, 2023




Closed, Fixed


This feature lets merchandisers sort items within a category. To sort, users must

  1. Click the sort button to enter "sort mode".
  2. Select one or more items via the checkbox.
  3. Drag and drop to the new location.

Alternatively, use the context menu options Move Up/Move Down.

Additional notes about new functionality
When in sort mode:

  • Regular toolbar buttons are disabled.
  • You cannot sort the View products view by column headers.
  • You cannot expand a product to see its variants - you can only sort at the top level of a category. To sort a product's variants, select the product > all properties > variants. Then sort that screen.
  • Once you enable Sort mode, it remains enabled in other categories until you disable it.

Changing an item's sort order only affects its order within that category - this gives the flexibility to order items differently in each category.