Enables the marketer to define that a discount cannot be combined with
- other discounts
- all discounts in one more campaigns
- all other discounts.
Also, to any discount, you can apply exclusions: campaigns or discounts that cannot be combined with the current discount. For example, you are running a sale where automotive supplies are 20% off. Customers should not be able to combine this discount with the Get cheapest for free discount. To create this exclusion, follow these steps.
- From Campaign view, click Discount Priorities in the top right.
- Select the discount to which you will apply exclusions. To continue the above example, select automotive supplies 20% off.
- Click Add to the right of the discount.
- Select campaigns or discounts that cannot be combined with the one selected in step To continue the above example, select the Get cheapest for free discount.
- Click Save then Close.
Additional notes about exclusions
- You can apply an unlimited number of exclusions to a discount.
- If you select a campaign, you exclude all of its discounts, both current and future.
The Cannot combine with field
- After you select an exclusion, it appears in the Cannot combine with field for reference and possible removal.
- The Cannot combine with field displays campaigns first, followed by discounts.
- If you select All (the campaign root folder), only that tag appears in the Cannot combine with field.
- Similarly, if you exclude a discount then later exclude its parent campaign, the discount tag is removed from the Cannot combine with field. This is because the parent campaign includes the child discount.
- If more than two items are excluded, an ellipsis in the Cannot combine with field indicates additional entries. To view all exclusions for that discount, click *Add *or hover over the ellipsis.