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CSR UI: Select shipping method (Beta)

Fixed in

EPiServer.Commerce 13.1.0

(Or a related package)


Jan 22, 2019


Dec 19, 2023




Closed, Acceptance tests pass


When working on the CSR UI screen, you can now select a shipping method.

*You can select an existing shipping method from a dropdown.

  • If no shipping methods exist, the dropdown says "No shipping method exists".
  • The current shipping method is indicated in the list in the same manner as the shipping address.
  • Each shipment in the cart should state the following amounts:
    • Line Items Total
    • Shipping Tax
    • Shipping Total
  • If the shipping method changes, the order group and shipping amounts are updated accordingly.
  • Only users assigned to the role CommerceAdmins or CustomerServiceRepresentatives can update the shipping method.