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Personalized find: Support multiple personalization accounts

Fixed in

EPiServer.Find 13.2.0

(Or a related package)


May 21, 2018


Oct 06, 2022




Closed, Fixed and tested


This story adds support for a separate personalization account for each site in a multi-site application. Configuration support is added in EPiServer.Personalization.Common and used in EPiServer.Personalization.Commerce. For the suite to work together, a couple of changes need to be done in Personalized find:

1. Whenever Personalized Find calls the personalization service, it must get the correct endpoint settings based on a scope parameter in the API.
2. Personalized Find needs to keep a separate set of boosting parameters for each scope.

Scope is aligned with the scope concept on the tracking api (TrackingData<TPayload>.Scope). The default in tracking, which should probably be the same in the search api, is to use the current site id. But it should be possible for the partner developer to pass a parameter specifying a custom scope.