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When selecting conversion goal, select another goal for test

Fixed in

EPiServer.Marketing.Testing 2.3.0

(Or a related package)


Mar 07, 2017


Oct 23, 2020


Closed, Acceptance tests pass


When creating an A/B test, if I select a KPI from the dropdown for available conversion goals, a second dropdown appears below the KPI's markup that contains options for assigning another KPI to the test.

Selecting a KPI from the dropdown

  • Adds a kpi below the dropdown. This is the same information as before (kpi Title, description and accompanying markup)
  • Kpi now has an "X", which allows the KPI to be removed.

Kpi Types and Counts

  • Only boolean result type kpis can have multiple kpis added to a test.
  • If a boolean result type is chosen, non-boolean result type kpis should be removed from the kpi select list. (Currently, the only non-boolean result type kpi is Average Order Kpi, available in the Commerce kpi package.)
  • Up to 5 boolean result type kpis can be added to a single test.
  • When 1 boolean result type kpi is added, the default item in the dropdown should indicate the ability to add more kpis.
  • When 5 boolean result type kpis are added, the dropdown should no longer be seen.
  • If a kpi is removed, the dropdown should be redrawn.
  • if a kpi is removed, its associated weight selector should also be removed.
  • if a non-boolean result type kpi is added, the dropdown should no longer be seen (if removed, the dropdown should return).