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Set different goal weights when using multiple KPIs in AB test

Fixed in

EPiServer.Marketing.Testing 2.3.0

(Or a related package)


Mar 07, 2017


Oct 23, 2020


Closed, Acceptance tests pass


When selecting multiple KPIs within the Add Test screen, we should have the ability to indicate that one goal for the test is more important than another. This weight is used to determine the winning version to allow for conversions of one (or more) of the KPIs to be more important than other KPIs in the test.

Advanced Section link/ Conversion Goal text

  • Conversion goal text should contain a link to the Advanced Section of the page.
  • Selecting the link should bring the advanced section into view.

Weight Selector

  • Adding a KPI should add a corresponding weight selector in the advanced section at the bottom of the page.
  • A weight selector should be present for each KPI added
  • The weight selector should have 3 options (Low, Medium and High) with Medium being the default.
  • A test should be able to be created without making changes to the weights (Default weights should be sent).

Note: Moving all the KPIs weights to high, or all of them to low, has the same effect as leaving them all at medium. That is, they all have the same importance and thus not weight the end statistics. Similarly, if a single KPI is added, the weight selected does not affect the test.