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As an AB Test user, when using Multiple KPI's I want my AB test details screen to inform me of how my test is doing against all my selected KPIs

Fixed in

EPiServer.Marketing.Testing 2.3.0

(Or a related package)


Mar 07, 2017


Oct 23, 2020


Closed, Acceptance tests pass


When viewing the A/B Test details screen and using multiple KPIs as conversion goals, there should be a section in the test results that informs me how versions are performing against all selected KPIs.

Note: This information is applicable to the Details, Pick A Winner and Archive views.

Single KPI

  • If a single KPI is selected, the details beneath the thumbnails remain the same as in prior versions.

Multiple KPI

  • If multiple KPIs are included in a test, a new summary appears beneath the thumbnails.
  • The top section of the summary is the total conversion percentage and view count for the content.
  • The bottom section is a list of KPIs added to the test.
  • Each KPI should have a graphical representation of the weight selected for it. The selector should be the same as the selector used to choose the weight, but in this context should not be "clickable".
  • Each KPI will have a conversions and performance number (Conversions is the number of times that a particular KPI converted independent of any other KPI attached to the test. Performance is that specific KPI's contribution to the total conversion percent.)
  • A hide details link should be available, which shows/hides the multiple KPI list section but leaves the conversion percent/views section intact.

Conversion Goals

  • The conversion goals should list all KPIs added to the test regardless if it is 1 or many.
  • These should in the same order as the kpi summary section above.