This describes the various option classes that are part of the CmsUI section of the configuration. The Configuration topic describes the syntax used to configure options from various configuration sources such as configuration files or environment variables.
In this topic
- UIOptions
- PublicModuleOptions
- ProtectedModuleOptions
- ImageEditorOptions
- UploadOptions
- SelectionFactoriesOptions
- ProjectUIOptions
- ApprovalNotifcationOptions
- ApplicationOptions
- RestCacheOptions
Contain settings for CMS edit user interface.
Name | Default value | Description |
UtilUrl | "~/Util/" | Gets or sets the URL to the Util part of the UI application. It must be a Web URL, and may include scheme and port. |
EditUrl | "~/EPiServer/CMS/" | Gets or sets the URL to the edit UI. It must be a Web URL, and may include scheme and port. |
ApprovalStepRoleUserLimit | 100 | Defines the amount of user roles which would trigger a warning when an administrator sets up approval step |
WebSocketEnabled | true | Defines if the WebSocket connection between server and the client should be enabled |
PermanentEditRetainPeriod | 30 days | Gets or sets the retain period for the page's "permanent edit" status. |
PreviewTimeout | 15000 ms | The timeout in milliseconds for the time to load a preview of a content version. |
UIShowGlobalizationUserInterface | true | Defines if the globalization module should be used |
DisableVersionDeletion | false | Defines if it should be possible to delete versions from UI. |
AutoPublishMediaOnUpload | true | Specifies of media should automatically be published when uploaded to CMS. |
Contain settings for public shell modules.
Name | Default value | Description |
RootPath | "~/modules/" | The root path below which module directories are located. |
AutoDiscovery | AutoDiscoveryLevel.Modules | Specifies how module detection should be performed. AutoDiscovery enum has the following values:
Items | A list of all public shell modules to register. |
Contain settings for protected shell modules.
Name | Default value | Description |
RootPath | "~/EPiServer/" | The root path below which module directories are located. |
AutoDiscovery | AutoDiscoveryLevel.Minimal | Specifies how module detection should be performed. AutoDiscovery enum has the following values:
Items | Shell, CMS, EPiServer.Admin, EPiServer.Cms.UI.Settings, EPiServer.VisitorGroups.Management.UI | A list of all protected shell modules to register. |
Contain settings for the Image Editor in CMS user interface.
Name | Default value | Description |
Enabled | true | Specifies if the image editor should be enabled. |
WindowWidth | 0 | Sets a preferred width of the image editor. |
WindowHeight | 0 | Sets a preferred height of the image editor. |
SizePresets | 320*240, 640*480 | A list of predefined PresetElement sizes that can be used in crop and resize operations. |
Contain settings for an entry in ImageEditorOptions.SizePresets.
Name | Default value | Description |
Name | Specifies the name of the preset element. | |
Width | 0 | Sets the preset width in pixels. |
Height | 0 | Sets the preset height in pixels. |
LanguageKey | Specifies a language key used to localize the preset name. |
Contain settings for file uploads.
Name | Default value | Description |
FileSizeLimit | 4MB | Specifies the size limit for uploads in bytes. |
Provide options for selection properties. The option class inherits Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,string>> and can be configured like:
"EPiServer": {
"CmsUI": {
"SelectionFactories": {
"Test": {
"Selection1": "Value1",
"Selection2": "Value2"
Contain settings for how projects should be handled in CMS user interface.
Name | Default value | Description |
ProjectModeEnabled | true | Indicates if project mode should be enabled in UI. |
Contain settings for configuring approval notifications in CMS user interface.
Name | Default value | Description |
Immediate | false | Indicates if approval notifications should be sent immediately. |
Contain settings for configuring the cms asp net identity integration.
Name | Default value | Description |
ConnectionStringOptions | Configures the connection string to use. | |
DisableAutoCreateSchema | false | Indicates if the automatic creation of the aspnet identity schema should be disabled. |
Contain settings for cache of Rest responses.
Name | Default value | Description |
DisableResultCaching | false | Set to true to disable rest result caching. |
SlidingCacheExpiration | 5 min | Specifies the sliding expiration for cached results |
Last updated: Jul 02, 2021