Area: Optimizely CMS
Applies to versions: 12 and higher
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Virtual roles

Recommended reading 
Note: This documentation is for the preview version of the upcoming release of CMS 12/Commerce 14/Search & Navigation 14. Features included here might not be complete, and might be changed before becoming available in the public release. This documentation is provided for evaluation purposes only.

Optimizely CMS uses an extension of the Role concept called Virtual Roles. These are roles where the membership criteria is determined at runtime. In other words, the virtual role membership is not stored in the database, but depends on programmatic criteria that can vary with each request.

How it works

You can add virtual roles to claims by SupportsClaims. By default, the SupportsClaims property sets whether a claim is added to the current principal for the virtual role in which a user is member.

You can access the current principal object in several different ways. The recommended approach is to use EPiServer.Security.PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal property. Alternate ways, such as System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User, are supported also.

If SupportsClaims="false" on the virtual role then virtual roles are only evaluated when you check access rights based on ACLs in Optimizely CMS. Any principal.IsInRole calls for a virtual role returns false.

he following virtual roles are delivered with Optimizely CMS:

  • Anonymous
  • Authenticated
  • Creator
  • Everyone
  • Administrator
  • CmsAdmins
  • CmsEditors
  • PackagingAdmins
  • SearchAdmins
  • SearchEditors

In addition to the predefined roles, you can create new virtual roles to allow access based on business rules, such as allowing access only during business hours. A common scenario is to define virtual roles that evaluate to true if the user is a member of role1 and role2, which can reduce the number of groups needed for setting the required permissions in Optimizely CMS.

  • Administrator

    Needed to support localized versions of Windows, where the Administrators group was translated. The Administrators virtual role runs a localization-independent test for the Administrators group, thus eliminating the need to manually modify web.config or access rights in Optimizely CMS.

  • Creator

    Only used when evaluating AccessControlLists in Optimizely CMS and returns true if the current principal is the same as the Creator for an ACL.

  • PackagingAdmins

    Used for controlling access to the Add-ons menu option from where add-ons are managed.

  • SearchAdmins

    Used for controlling access to the Optimizely Find user interface and the Clear Indexes screen. Optimizely Find users who are not Administrators must be both WebEditors and SearchAdmins: WebEditors to access the edit view, and SearchAdmins to access Optimizely Find features.

  • SearchEditors

    Used to control access to the Optimizely Find user interface. SearchEditors do not have access to the Clear Indexes screen.

The PackagingAdmins, CmsAdmins, CmsEditors, SearchEditors and SearchAdmins virtual roles are of the MappedRole type (used to map existent or non-existent groups to several other groups). The roles attribute contains the names of one or more roles that are used to evaluate membership in the MappedRole. There is property ShouldMatchAll that have the following values:

  • false means that membership in at least one of the roles listed in the roles attribute is required for membership in the mapped role.
  • true means that membership in all of the roles listed in the roles attribute is required for membership in the mapped role.

Example of Mapped Roles in appsettings.json:

"EpiServer" : {
  "Cms" : {
    "MappedRoles" : {
      "Items" : {
        "SearchAdmins" : {
          "MappedRoles" : [ "WebAdmins", "Administrators" ],
          "ShouldMatchAll" : "false"


Registering virtual roles programmatically

You can register virtual roles programmatically:

using EPiServer.Security;
using EPiServer.DependencyInjection;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;

public class Startup
  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
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Last updated: Jul 02, 2021

Recommended reading