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Creating an Episerver cloud account

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This topic describes how to set up an Episerver cloud account, and to get access to the self-service capabilities included in Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform. The Episerver cloud account identifies a user and ensures that proper authorization is applied when accessing information for your DXP projects.


You need an organizational email address like firstname.lastname@company.com, associated with an enabled business Microsoft Live account. If your organization already has a verified Microsoft account, you can also use this.

Note: Generic accounts like access@somedomain.com, or private hotmail-type accounts like my-private-mail@live.com, cannot be used.

Account access options

Select account access as follows from the Access Request form (below):

  • Access to usage statistics (DXP Dashboard)
    Read access to consumption data in DXP Dashboard
  • Preproduction deploy and troubleshoot (DXP Mgmt Portal)
    Deploy to Preproduction and troubleshoot from DXP Management Portal.
  • Production deploy and troubleshoot (DXP Mgmt Portal)
    Deploy to Production and troubleshoot from DXP Management Portal.
  • Technical ownership (DXP dashboard; DXP Mgmt Portal)
    Read access to consumption and site information in DXP Dashboard and DXP Management Portal

How it works

    1. Request access.

      Submit the following form for each customer/environment for which you want access. Make sure you provide correct and complete information. When Episerver receives the information, you are normally granted access within 3 business days. You receive an email notification when access is provided.

      Power User Contributor Analytic
      PaaS deployment and self-service tools on Integration and Preproduction environments Yes Yes No
      PaaS deployment and self-service tools on Prodution environment Yes No No
      Azure portal Integration environment Yes Yes No
      Application Insights Yes Yes Yes
      DXP Dashboard Yes Yes No

      Access request

      Select access options for account

      * Troubleshooting includes self-service access to application logs and to purge CDN cache.

      An error has occurred while getting captcha image

      See the Episerver Privacy Statement for information about storing and processing of personal data.

    2. Confirm the invitation and log in.

      After you receive an invitation email from Episerver, you can log in to the dashboard and the portals.

      1. Follow the instructions in DXP Dashboard to log in and access information for your projects.

      2. Follow the instructions in the DXP self-deployment guide to log in to the Management Portal and deploy.


        See Accessing Azure information to learn how to log into the Azure portal and access the information.

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    Last updated: Apr 02, 2020

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