Release Date: 

About this download package

This is the download for the source code sample package for Episerver 7.5 Commerce. All of these examples require a working Episerver 7.5 Commerce installation. The code package contains the items described below.

Note: After downloading the zip files and before extracting the files included, right-click on the zip file, select Properties and Unblock if needed. Make sure that the extracted files are all unblocked if you have problems compiling the solution.

Catalog indexer

Zip file" CatalogIndexer"

A catalog indexer code sample showing how to update the database in cases where a direct import to the database has been made.

How to run this sample:

  • Update connectionStrings.config, set EcfSqlConnection to your correct connection string, for example:
     <add name="EcfSqlConnection" connectionString="Data Source=database;Initial Catalog=dbEPiServerCommerceManager;User ID=user;Password=password;Application Name=EPiServerCommerceManager" />
  • Update the Debug/Bin/Configs/, set the key <Application defaultApplicationName> to your correct Application Name (as specified in EcfSqlConnection), for example:
     <Application defaultApplicationName="EPiServerCommerceManager">

Asset import tool

Zip file "EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Tools.ImportAsset"

The asset importer is used for importing digital assets such as images or videos into Episerver Commerce. It shows how the asset APIs can be used outside of a web application.

Solr search provider

Zip file "Mediachase.Search.Solr35SearchProvider"

This code package contains the source code for the Solr 3.5 search provider, and can be used as a reference when integrating with other search solutions.

Workflow activities samples

Zip files "Mediachase.Commerce.Workflow" and "Mediachase.Commerce.Workflow.Activities"

This code package includes the source code for the default workflows and activities in Episerver Commerce. The workflows can be customized to suite specific implementation needs.

Do the following to combine the Workflow/Activities projects in the same solution:

  • Build the Activities project.
  • Open the Workflow project and remove the reference to the Activities.dll.
  • Add a reference to the Mediachase.Commerce.Workflow.Activities project.
  • Build the solution.

Note: The Activities project has dependencies on EPiServer.Framework.dll, and therefore we need to remove the reference to the GAC assembly and add a reference to the current version instead. You can do this by copying the files from the bin folder of the front-end site to the Library folder, and then reference it here.

Web Helper project

Zip file "Mediachase.Commerce.Website"

Project with the source code for a number of helper classes that are commonly used when building e-commerce front-end sites with Episerver Commerce.