Release date: August 1, 2008

Fixes the following issues:

·         An update of a Club Membership entity did not save the framework data.

·         Fix an issue where an image gallery for the reporting gets created on application start.

·         Fix an issue where sorting of author alias in the expert module would be incorrect for non-UserAuthor authors.

·         Fix alias sorting problem for Calendar registrations and invites.

·         Fix issue where Expert module queries could return experts and questions for experts that have been softremoved.

·         Fix issue where Forum module’s GetTopics or GetReplies methods might return topics or replies from a room or forum that is removed.

·         Added functionality allow for manual cache clearing and cache timeouts of query results in QueryHandler

·         A caching issue could cause GetContacts to return old data if one of the ContactRelations have recently been updated from a Request to a Contact.

·         Improved the responsiveness of the OnlineStatusModule OnlineCount property.

·         Corrected an issue in the admin direct message control that prohibited the removal of direct messages on page 2..n

·         Update the community menu in edit mode for the EPiServer CMS integration