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Work flow setting for "notification" only

Hi. For the most skilled and autonomos editors, I just need a notification when a page is published/ updated. No need to approve. I have checked "activate at publication" and activation point is Start page. Is this correct? The problem is that I still have to approve. If not, the 'my task' list will just grow and grow... Thus the ideal setup should be just a notification that a page is published and/or a task that can be closed directly, without a message back to the publisher that it is approved. Not possible with the standard work flow setup? b regs, Andreas
Apr 12, 2007 11:31
It is not possible to do what you are asking for with the standard workflow. You always get a task in to approve a page in the standard workflow. The most common thing to do is to build a Schedule job that is looking for published pages and then send e-mails.
May 02, 2007 21:34
Is there any way of getting an example on how to do this? Several customers have requested that their webmaster e-mail account receives a notification whenever a page is published, but I cannot see an easy way of accomplishing it in EPiServer. The notification feature is common among most "smaller" CMS tools, so I'm guessing it's just about me not finding it? Thank you! /Ted
Sep 05, 2007 16:12
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.