Hi Nathan!
By reading the globalization tech note I found this information about the "System Language" that is responsible for datetime formats etc:
"Use the setting (xx-YY) from web.config ( <globalization culture="xx-YY" ... /> ). Note that if culture is set to auto, then the language preferences from the Web browser is used."
So, in short the "Detect Browser Language" only affects the content language for the site visitors. I'll try to make sure that we update the help page for the system page to make this clearer.
You can find the globalization tech note here:
Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team
can anyone help with a problem I am investigating? I would like to be able to change the display format of Dates (from American Format, to English Format) within the EPiServer Admin I/F.
I have discovered the following option:
Admin | Config | System Settings
Under the above menu, there is a check-box: "Detect Language via Browsers Language Group". I thought this might detect that I am using English-GB and adjust the date formats accordingly. Unfortuantely I didn't seem to be able to get this to work. The dates remained in American Format.
I have had a quick acan through the web.config for any format strings, and had a quick search on the internet, but I am unable to find any informaion on the subject.
If anyone has managed to change the date format in the Admin I/F to English Date format, could they please let me know?
Sincerely, Nathan Bellamore.