Where has the SiteHostMapping section gone in EPiServer 7.5?
It used to be inside EpiServerFramework.config, but I don't see it there now.. I want to remove references to port 17000 from my site install (I changed the IIS entry), but if I switch to "sv" (via sites tab) it attempts to load on port 17000 again, and errors.. There is no reference to 17000 in the solution, so I am unsure where I need to change it now..
Where has the SiteHostMapping section gone in EPiServer 7.5?
It used to be inside EpiServerFramework.config, but I don't see it there now..
I want to remove references to port 17000 from my site install (I changed the IIS entry), but if I switch to "sv" (via sites tab) it attempts to load on port 17000 again, and errors.. There is no reference to 17000 in the solution, so I am unsure where I need to change it now..