Missed screenshot (
(P.S. Not sure why, but I'm unable to add image, so placing a link to it)
Hi, Sara.
As a workaround I use @Html.FullRefreshPropertiesMetaData(...) to refresh the whole page.
I tried to hack it using dojo/request/notify (I'm not good in dojo, so probably there is a better way to do the same) and trying to run plugins code some time after ajax response received from server:
require([ "dojo/request/xhr", "dojo/request/notify", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/json", "dojo/domReady!"], function (xhr, notify, on, dom, domConst, JSON) { console.log("TEST AJAX"); notify("done", function (response) { console.log("done"); console.log(response); if (response.text && response.url.indexOf("PropertyRender/Render") > -1) { var serverResponse = JSON.parse(response.text); if (serverResponse && serverResponse.innerHtml) { var $html = $(serverResponse.innerHtml); console.log("PLUGIN DETECTED"); console.log($html); var targetWindow = $("iframe")[0].contentWindow; var App = targetWindow.App; setTimeout(function() { var $container = targetWindow.$(".js-plugin"); App.Common.Plugins.uniform($container); }, 200); } } }); });
and it usually works, but not always
We use uniform.js to style our controls. But when editor changes a property (from on page edit mode) the property (actually it's a block) automatically updated using dojo ajax, and editor sees plain html controls (see screenshot below).
What is the easiest way to run something like $updatedBlock.find(".js-plugin").uniform() on each html container updated by AJAX ?