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Page Copy and Paste Issues



There seems to be a problem with copying and pasting pages in CMS 7.5 (maybe other versions of 7 as well).

The option to copy and paste is present but when selecting paste a validation message is presented stating that the page can't be created as the URL and page title already exists. Refreshing the tree shows that the page was actually created in the selected place however none of the property values are brought across.

This seems like a bug to me in that the validation shouldn't really kick in and it should automatically update the new page appropriately. Although the page is actually created I'm guessing that the creation fails which is why none of the properties have the values they should have.

Has anyone else encountered this before? Seems like quite a serious and fundamental bug to me.



Oct 29, 2014 13:40


I can +1 on this. We are getting the same validation errors if we copy one page at the same place as the original copy.

  • Interface throws an exception (duplicate name in url)
  • GUI is not updated and needs a manual refresh
  • And again properties are not copied

Mark, did you find some workaround for this?


Jan 22, 2015 16:49
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.